Local Republicans React To Potential Platform Shift


Local Republicans React To Potential Platform Shift

The removal of one phrase from the potential 2018 Indiana State GOP platform is causing some splintering in the party. A passage from the 2016 Indiana GOP platform on strong families includes this line; “We believe, in strong families. We believe that strong families, based on marriage between a man and a woman, are the foundation of society.”
A proposed 2018 version gets ride of the phrase “based on a marriage between a man and a woman” and looks like this now; “ We believe in strong families. We believe that strong families are the foundation of society and that such families bring forth citizens capable of self-government, as well as properly-motivated public servants so essential for a successful republic.”
“The goal of the provision was to say we support strong families as a Republican Party and so long as a child is being raised in a loving and caring environment and being raised to be a productive member of Indiana society, then we want to support that structure” explains Indiana GOP Chairperson Kyle Hupfer.

Both of the platforms will be up for a vote during this weekend’s Indiana GOP convention in Evansville.

The new phrasing is not fully echoed in the southwestern corner of the state. Some prominent local Republicans are supporting the 2016 version.

State Senator Jim Tomes says he doesn’t understand all the uproar around this issue. He says it’s fine as it is and doesn’t need changing. When asked if this was not inclusive for gay couples trying to raise strong families, Tomes points to the rest of the passage which he says is inclusive. The full 2016 passage reads; “We believe, in strong families. We believe that strong families, based on marriage between a man and a woman, are the foundation of society. We also recognize that some families are much more diverse and we support the blended families, grandparents, guardians, single parents* and loving adults who successfully raise and nurture children to reach their full potential every day.”

Vanderburgh County GOP Chairperson Wayne Parke also agrees with the 2016 platform, but for a different reason than Tomes does. Parke says he believes in the way marriage had been defined since the bible: between one man and one woman. He says an easy fix would be to use language like partnership along with marriage.