penpower When does enough become too much? In the arena of public service it must be when office holders begin to see their service as a career or possibly when they begin measuring their tenure in decades. This is the case with County Commissioner Marsha Abel, an office holder who has done many good works over her long career of service as Clerk of the Courts, County Councilman, and now County Commissioner. I, like many, appreciate her many years of service. However, I, like others, believe it’s time for let someone else serve for the benefit of the community. I think the example former Commission Bill Nix gave is one that more in office should show by serving a term or two and then giving someone else a chance to provide their service. With the upcoming primary election on May 6th, I think that a new voice and perspective should be given a chance. Bruce Ungetheim is a voice and perspective whose time has come and who is certainly worthy of being heard and entrusted with the public good. With numerous infrastructure projects on the horizon, having the perspective and insight of an engineer like Bruce will be invaluable. In addition, his view of a limited role of local government will be a welcome addition as we continue to watch the growth of public debt. Bruce understands the importance of transparency in government and will work to bring easier access to the county’s audited financial statements, something not currently available. On May 6th join me in supporting Bruce Ungetheim for Vanderburgh County Commission, District 2, a new voice needed in Vanderburgh County Government. Richard A. Clements Evansville, Indiana. Editors Footnote:  This letter is posted by the CCO, Without opinion, Bias and Editing.   The CCO invites any candidate or their supporters to submit a letter to the editor and we will publish.


      • disaffected is a handsome elderly gentleman with enormous intellect and the ability to suffer witless inquiries with patience and humility.

        • I’ve never heard of a person with the name elderly gentleman. Sounds like another Abell supporter whining about her not getting a free pass like she’s used to. It’s about time someone held her accountable. Thanks Bruce.

  1. Editor, the disclaimer posted after these letters is appreciated and lets all know said letters are as you received them and absent any comments by you.

    But could you do me a favor? The disclaimers in my opinion do not require all upper case, it is the Internet equivalent of shouting. I think it is safe to assume we “get it”. Additionally, could you make the fonts smaller, say 8 or 9 point.

  2. I’m curious, what criteria defines Mr. Clements as a Prominent(?) Republican?

  3. Right on Mr. Clements. I considerer you being a prominent republican because of your past political stances and conservative values. I’m also voting for Mr, Ungethiem for County Commissioner.

  4. I am not consider myself a “prominent” Republican. I was very active in the past serving as Vanderburgh Co and 8th District Young Repulican Chairman as well as State Secretary of the Indiana Federation of Young Republicans. I also ran for City and County Council on the republican ticket. With that said, I am simply offering my thoughts and opinion on the Abell/Ungenthiem race. Do with it what you will.

    • Mr Clements, considering your post, as well as your letter,
      I believe “Respected Republican”,is more descriptive.

  5. There are some good points within the letter but I am not so sure using Bill Nix as an example of political correctness is totally accurate.

    Not saying there was but there is the possibility that Mr. Nix could have had a conflict of interest about some issues while serving as Vanderburg County Commissioner and also being employed, in a supervisory position, at Industrial Contractors Incorporated(ICI) at the same time.

    It is my opinion that one of the most troubling and biggest hindrance to having an honest government is where a politician is in a position where there is the direct possibility for conflict of interest.
    Unfortunately in most politics this is the position the politician desires and seeks to be in. This may be of great benefit to the politician and his associates but is usually not for the general public.

    • Robert Rich, “Conflicts of Interests
      , and “confusion of the means” appears to be the nail we’d drive with you’re locals in office. You all need some work, could be why those audit thingy keep causing such a rattle in the supply pipes that won’t go away.

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