Is there any advantage to being right?


    Freedom, IndianaAuthor Andrew Horning is the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024.

    It’s infuriatingly evident that the politicians, parties, and those that own them, have been wrong, and have lied, in ways that are unsustainably destructive, and deadly on the scale of millions.  It’s equally evident that their increasingly obscene campaign funding comes with strings attached…as most of us understand whenever we hear or utter the phrases, “follow the money,” and “the influence of money in politics.”

    No part of our government works constitutionally.  No part is without massive corruption.  Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are collapsing.  Inflation is impoverishing all but the “investment class.”  And the unconstitutional, inherently divisive “Two Party System” our founders warned against, is a red-herring sock-puppet distraction that not only wastes hope, effort and people, but also keeps us from doing what needs to be done: to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for our future security.

    Lindsey Graham said the quiet part out loud – that the costly proxy war in Ukraine isn’t about Ukrainians; it’s to deny Russia trillions of dollars’ worth of resources into which we (taxpayers, Blackrock, the Bidens, etc.) have invested our money, our political corruption, and countless Ukrainian lives.  The “military-industrial complex” that Eisenhower warned against, enriches few, and kills millions.  Since the east-west negotiated collapse of the Soviet Union and Iron Curtain, we’ve had innumerable opportunities to peacefully end NATO, and bring Russia and its former associated states into peace and commerce with the west – as desired by Russians, even including Putin until the 2008 Bucharest Summit.  It was our myopic military and monetary wars that have driven the expansion of BRICS, and their upcoming de-dollarization this October.  That will accelerate today’s stupid, self-destructive monetary system collapse.

    All of this death and mayhem, and much more (I could go on at book length) is unconstitutional, immoral, and shortsighted, for even the powers that be.  This will end; either by decisive, immediate action on the part of USA voters, or in catastrophe.  We’ve never been closer to nuclear Armageddon, you know.

    For twenty-eight years, I’ve publicly written, campaigned and protested against the corruption of our political, economic, information and military systems, as well as demonstrated that the problems are all in breach of our constitutions, state and federal.  Since 1996 I’ve offered the option to apply those constitutions as remedy, with me as a candidate on the ballot.  Since 1999, I’ve written, campaigned and protested against fraud in our elections, and my campaign team proved and documented significant fraud in 2004.

    I’m certainly not the only one, or the first.  There have been plenty of us for generations.  We just don’t win elections.  The people we call “incumbent,” and “career politician,” are those who’ve proven again and again, to be wrong, to lie, and to do us harm.  Why?

    Consider how are candidates judged.  What are the criteria for inclusion in debates, public forums, and more critically, the media?

    It’s certainly not who’s been right and who’s been wrong.  It’s not truth versus lies.  It’s not solutions versus problems.  No, it’s all the worst stuff – Money, habits, tribalism, money, “odds,” corruption, “name ID,” money, fraud, and, of course, money.

    Maybe we’re just not hurting enough yet.  Maybe we have to be impoverished and in the midst of world war, before we wake up to not only what we’ve lost, but our power to turn it all around.

    We really are in charge, whether we admit it or not.  The tiny number of authoritarian Malthusian eugenicist puppeteers pulling the strings, depend upon our willing obedience.  We could nullify their unconstitutional rules, their corruption and violence.  But we’d have to wake up and take action.  A good start would be to vote the way our founders intended – as an act of peaceful revolution.

    One last time, I’m putting that option on the ballot.

    Liberty or Bust!
    Andy Horning