We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we as responsible citizens of this community need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE that an endorsement and solicitation letter was recently mailed to potential voters asking them to vote for three EVSC board incumbents?  …the author of this letter alleges that six (6) extremely well known civic leaders signed this letter and urge you to vote for Andy Guarino, Chris Kiefer, and Rance Ossenberg? …the author of this letter also asks that you send your checks for the above School Board members to Supporting Strong Schools, Post Box 916, Evansville Ind., 47706?…we look forward to the six (6) people who names and signatures appear on this letter either acknowledged or denied if they had anything to do with it? …when they either acknowledged or denied if the signed this letter then we shall make their names public?

IS IT TRUE we just confirmed that the names of the 6 individuals that signed the endorsement and solicitation letter that was recently mailed to potential voters asking them to vote for three EVSC board incumbents?  …they are: Bob Jones-CEO at Old National Bank; Linda White-Newburgh Resident and Community Volunteer; Harold Calloway-President of USI Board of Trustees; Brian D. Hancock-ONI RIsk Partners; Brad Ellsworth-Community Volunteer and Patrick A. Shoulders-EVSC Legal Counsel?  …we corrected the post that  Mr. Ellsworth signed this letter as a Community Volunteer and not as an employee of Vectren?  …we are told that this may be a developing story because of a group of politically active women are talking about taking to task 5 out 6 individuals (men) that signed this letter citing that their actions are chauvinistic in nature?

IS IT TRUE we were told that incumbent school board members Andy Guarino, Chris Kiefer, and Rance Ossenberg did not attend the recent debate of school board candidates sponsored by the Westside Neighborhood Improvement Association? …we hope this isn’t a signal to the voting public that the above individuals feel that they are beyond defending the decisions they made as members of the EVSC school board during the last four (4) years?
IS IT TRUE one thing that we found interesting in the above endorsement and solicitation letter sent out to potential voters was the claim that EVSC was one of the top performing urban school districts in Indiana?  …that during the last several years EVSC has 7 elementary schools located within the city limits received an “F” rating by the State education agency?
IS IT TRUE we would like to point out that there are 8 very well qualified individuals running for EVSC School board in the upcoming November general election?  …they are: District 1(Vote for 1) -Chris Kiefer and Jean Webb; District 2 (Vote for 2) -Ann M Ennis, R. Clark Exmeyer and Andy Guarino; School Board At-Large (Vote for 1)-David Hollingsworth, Melissa Moore, and Rance Ossenberg?
IS IT TRUE its obvious that the City of Evansville doesn’t have a revenue problem but they do have a spending problem?
IS IT TRUE the best way for Evansville City Council to balance the budget is to make budget cuts not increase taxes?
IS IT TRUE the former City Council President and Finance Chairman John Friend, CPA predicted three years ago that starting in 2018 the City of Evansville will be experiencing a budget meltdown was spot on?  …John Friend also predicted that the 2019 city budget shall be financial disasters?  …he also predicted that the only ways the city can balance future budgets are increasing taxes, make major budget cuts and lay off employees?
IS IT TRUE that the proposed 2019 City budget didn’t address the current $2.9 million city employees Healthcare deficit for 2018? …we feel compiled to warn City Council members that the city employees Healthcare deficit could be even higher depending on medical claims filed before the end of this year?  … we hear that the city employees Healthcare deficit may be well over $4 million at the end of this year?
IS IT TRUE how to distributed the Local Option income tax money in 2019 is causing quite a political stirs between the city council and members of the Winnecke administration?  …that City Councilmembers Weaver and Mosby want the bulk of this money to be spent on public safety?  …Mole #3 tells us that in spite of the assertions by the Winnecke officials that all of the proposed Local Option Income Tax dollars for 2018 was used for public safety equipment, raises and health insurance only may not be totally truthful?
IS IT TRUE we wonder why members of City Council haven’t demanded that City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr to informed them how much did it cost the taxpayers of Evansville to subsidized the Evansville Thunderbolts operating expenses during the 2017-18 hockey season?
IS IT TRUE that the “Dapper Pig” will be offering experimental gourmet dishes created with CBC Hemp Oil on this evening test kitchen menu?  …we urge you to make reservations at the “Dapper Pig” and try one of Chefs Wess Rose gourmet CBC Hemp Oil dishes? …these dishes are also legal to serve?  …reservations can be made by calling 812-401-3333?
IS IT TRUE one of our staff members went to the new land-based Tropancia-Evansville Casino last weekend and was extremely impressed with what she saw?  …she reported the food was excellent?  …the gaming machine offerings is something you would expect to see in Vegas?  …she also said she saw many people winning on the slots and gaming tables?…she also stated that the staff was extremely professional and friendly?  …most importantly the facility was extremely clean?  …she gives the Tropanica-Evansville a triple-A rating?
Todays READERS POLL question is: Do you feel its time for the taxpayers of this community to start holding our public officials accountable for their bad business decisions.
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com.


  1. “IS IT TRUE one of our staff members went to the new land-based Tropancia-Evansville Casino last weekend and was extremely impressed with what she saw?  …she reported the food was excellent?  …the gaming machine offerings is something you would expect to see in Vegas?  …she also said she saw many people winning on the slots and gaming tables?…she also stated that the staff was extremely professional and friendly?  …most importantly the facility was extremely clean?  …she gives the Tropanica-Evansville a triple-A rating?”

    Your staff member must live in a box.
    *The food is good, but over-priced.
    *The overpriced buffet is a joke; the Golden Corral is better
    *The slots are extremely tight as management tries to squeeze as much moola out of tgem as possible before the new owners take over.
    *The “nightclub” is a joke. It’s straight out of the 70’s and is too loud.
    *The smoke removal system doesn’t work.
    *If your staffer was there on Saturday, the big crowd was there to get their free air mattress giveaway.
    *The dealers are friendly.
    *Security is good.
    Everyone (players and employees) is waiting for the new owners to takeover. It can only improve.

      • Never been there. They don’t offer table games (Blackjack or Craps) or Poker. And their “slot machines” are some kind of video gaming oddity.
        It’s not a real casino. Ellis Park’s “gaming” is some kind of compromise to keep the horse track owners and horse owners happy. Same thing with the “racinos” located in Central Indiana.

  2. I saw it on FB. The comments were negative whether about the signers or about the endorsed candidates.

  3. HUNDREDS of Unhinged Kavanaugh Protesters Descend on Capitol Hill – Dozens Arrested (VIDEOS)

    Far-left protesters donning “Be a Hero” t-shirts flooded the Russel Rotunda on Capitol Hill Monday morning chanting “We believe the women!”…

    The Soros rent-a-mob started to coordinate the Kavanaugh protests over the weekend. Several radical left-wing groups were bussed in for the Senate Hearings–they are being provided lodging for the week….

    The New Yorker rolled out a Kavanaugh smear Sunday evening with a second woman making uncorroborated claims Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a Yale party decades ago.

    The 53-year-old accuser Deborah Ramirez told the New Yorker that she was initially hesitant to speak out because she was drunk at the time and her memory had gaps. She spent six days “carefully assessing her memories” and consulting with her attorney before going public.

    The two male students who were allegedly at the party, the wife of another male student, and three other Yale classmates all tell Ronan Farrow that there is no way Kavanaugh assaulted Ramirez.

    The New Yorker ran with the story anyway.

    The first accuser, Christine Ford made an uncorroborated claim that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago at a drunken high school pool party that no one else, including the four people she claims were at the party, remembers.

    Kavanaugh has categorically denied both allegations as vicious smears.


  4. Can anyone explain how the new IU medical school building at 515 Walnut Street is now owned by an out of state Corporation from Franklin, TN?

    • The same way 601 Walnut Street (Double Tree Hotel) is owned by a company located in Branson Missouri. Winnie took local taxpayer money and give it away for both projects. Although the Fraud Center is a money pit as an ongoing concern, at least the taxpayers own it.

  5. Just saw on CNN, Demo Senator Bluementhal repeatedly refer to the 2 Kavanaugh accusers as “survivors”. What a mountain of horse hockey.
    Look who is helping these brave “survivors” create new memories from 30-35 years ago that will be on display at the liberal media circus against Judge Kavanaugh. If you want to do one thing to push back against these liberal lies and smear campaign, vote for Mike Braun for Senate and send a message that these Anita Hill tactics by Senator Donnelley’s Democrat party are unacceptable in Indiana:
    “The women accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in high school and college have something else in common: they are enlisting a growing number of well-known Democratic lawyers, donors and operatives for their fight against President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court.

    They include pair of high-profile lawyers who fundraise for top Democrats; the attorney and spokeswoman for former FBI official Andrew McCabe; former advisers to then-Vice President Joe Biden; and even Michael Avenatti – the media-hungry [creepy] lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels who says he’s considering a Democratic run of his own for president in 2020.”…

    According to donor records, Katz has donated generously over the years to Democrats, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, John Kerry, the Democratic National Committee and others. Banks, too, has donated to numerous Democratic causes, including Obama, Clinton and Baldwin.

    Katz has attended anti-Trump rallies, telling ABC News last year, “We are going to resist. We will not be silenced.”

    Over the weekend, Ford’s legal team grew with the addition of attorney Michael Bromwich, who represents fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who has sparred with Trump over the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton and Russia investigations.

    “I’m honored to be joining Debra Katz and Lisa Banks in representing Dr. Ford,” Bromwich tweeted.

    Joining Bromwich on the effort are Melissa Schwartz, who works for Bromwich and has served as a McCabe spokesman, and Kendra Barkoff Lamy, a former press secretary to Biden. Democratic operative Ricki Seidman — who also worked for Biden and the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and was involved in accuser Anita Hill’s testimony during Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court confirmation – is also advising Ford, according to Politico.

    “We are proud to be new members of Team Ford,” Schwartz tweeted….

    Avenatti further alleged that he had knowledge Kavanaugh and high school friend Mark Judge targeted women with drugs and alcohol in order to “allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.”


  6. Right wing conservatives are fed up. I see all this “me too” accusations as bullshit and none of there lies pass the smell test. I find it hard to believe that the liberal left is trying to destroy an honorable jurist with impeccable credentials. Not one but six backgrounds and nothing negative found. Now, I see the Dems are cutting their own throats. Us deplorables will do the same this November in the mid terms that we did in 2016. You know all of these claims are not true. Can’t be substantiated, no dates, no places and the most telling, the parade of Dem lawyers lining up to throw in their say. Ford still hasn’t reported her case to Maryland authorities. That is her only investigation recourse. As a law enforcement officer, I would not even take a report and no prosecutor would look at it if I did. Now if Obummer was still hanging in the oval, and it was Reps doing this, I would venture all of these lawyers, pundits etc., etc, would be under the eye of the DOJ, FBI and most frightening, especially for the bottom dwellers, the IRS. Sad sad time in America that our system of law and justice is in the toilet.

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