IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011: Vectren’s Persuasion Campaign Begins


Brad Ellsworth, Vectren Corporation

IS IT TRUE? October 4, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the latest Evansville City Council members and candidates to pledge support for Budget Committee Chairman John Friend’s petition to force all Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission meeting regarding Evansville to be held in Evansville and to freeze Vectren’s rates at the current level until all of our closest neighbors rates have caught up with ours are City Councilwoman Connie Robinson (D), 6th Ward Candidate Al Lindsey (D), and 2nd Ward Candidate Lon Walters (R)?…that in spite of calls for one-on-one meetings with Vectren officials these elected officials and candidates for office have committed to join Vanderburgh County Commissioner Stephen Melcher and District #75 State Representative Gail Riecken in supporting Councilman Friend’s petition?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 tell us that some members of the Evansville City Council have been called personally by Vectren employee and former Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth to be discouraged from signing or supporting Councilman Friend’s petition?…that Mr. Ellsworth is also a former member of the United States Congress having served 2 terms representing the people of Indiana’s 8th Congressional District in the US House of Representatives?…that now Mr. Ellsworth clearly represents his employer, Vectren Corporation?

IS IT TRUE that all of the members of the Evansville City Council and candidates for City Council seats are being asked to meet individually with Vectren PR people to be counseled on Vectren’s position on why the rates are triple what they are in Henderson and how the people of Evansville are better off for paying this premium?…that some members and candidates are accepting these appointments and others are not?…that Councilwoman Robinson and Councilman Friend in particular prefer not to meet one-on-one with Vectren but prefer that Vectren should come before the Evansville City Council to make their case before a live TV audience and what will surely be a packed house?

IS IT TRUE that all of the elected officials, economic development leaders, and community leaders who spoke in favor of “letting the people” decide the fate of the consolidation proposal had better take a long look in the mirror before they decide not to support a petition that while having no legal means can certainly raise the awareness level of the people of Evansville?…that to support the right of the people to vote on consolidation but blunt the efforts of some elected officials to give the people of Evansville a voice through this petition is hypocrisy?

IS IT TRUE that if Vectren is so certain that they are correct in their assertions that all of our neighbors will catch up in pricing and that they are fully compliant with EPA regulations then Vectren should have no fear of taking their campaign to the people either?…that we will be very interested to see if Vectren employee Brad Ellsworth who is a former US Congressman will be making an endorsement of any local candidates for office?


  1. I guess Missy is at the Fall Festival working the dunkin’ booth and doesn’t have time to take a stand with the rest of the council. Where’s our 2nd ward representation on this hot button issue?


    • That’s just Goofy….a little more than 30 days left till the election and she’s in Orlando Mickey Mouse’in around with Donald Duck, and I guess she was just playing the part of Cruella de Vil when she told Voices at the last council meeting that she couldn’t donate any money to them because she was all tapped out!

      Typical Cinderella story from our renowned councilwoman.


        • I hear she was fired, again. We need to get together on election day, and send her packin from that JOB. You know, the one where someone has to text her and tell her what her stance is.

          • For the record, I was not “fired again”….my position was eliminated and I, like many other Evansville residents, am now unemployed and looking for a full time job. If these comments continue, I would ask that the CCO remove these posts for they are truly an attack on my integrity and my work ethics.

      • Blanger
        Did Missy miss a city council meeting? Does she need your permission to go on vacation with her family. How many meetings did other members miss to go on vacation. You really need to get a life. But you will be happy after the election, Missy will win and you can four more years to whine. You can make sure your on the TV when the council is meeting.

        • Thank you Sir or Ma’am…..your opinion is always appreciated while mine is I guess less important, sometimes pointing out the obvious is unpopular but yet it is enjoyed by many. 😉


          • Never said your opinion was less important but it is YOUR opinion. There are many people who think Missy does a great job on council. Probly the most active in her neighborhood associations, year round, not just the year she is running.

          • Name two that are not relatives…..yes and there are those that think John Friend has always been a advocate for the tax payers, and others that think Winnecke is a Republican, still more that think building a arena downtown was a great idea, and those that think that a Mosby could never be beat on the westside, or those that think there is no old boys club….the list goes on and on.

            Defending the undefinable is a noble cause, and as I said stating the obvious is unpopular to some but does have it’s merits, as they say if your not part of the solution you are part of the problem which is how I choose to view my ward representative.

            I like how you stated “her neighborhood associations” I wonder if the members view her as working for them or as you stated them working for her? ownership does have it’s privileges.

            It is time for a change….


          • blanger, I will defend Missy Mosby, so there is one voice in defence, and not one hidden behind a fake name. There have been a few times we’ve gone head to head when I strongly disagreed with Missy on issues at council, particularly when the council voted to extend the 35% sewer rate surcharge on county residents. But in fact Missy cast her vote on behalf of her 2nd Ward constituents who were continually threatened by flooding hazards, and the rate increase was needed to fund the flood control projects underway in her district. Missy consistently works hard for her constituents, and the whispering campaign currently fostered by her opponents is unfair, untrue, and sneaky. She was not fired but downsized out of a job like so many other Americans, and she took a scheduled vacaton with her relatives, just like many other Americans customarily do. Give it a rest, and stick to the facts rather than fiction.

        • Mr Jeffers you seem to have me confused with her opponent, it’s admirable for you to stand up for Ms Mosby (party unity and all that) but it is well within my right to criticize my ward representation if I feel he/she is inadequate or would you disagree?

          I’m reasonably sure that the current president and congress hasn’t removed the bill of rights yet and that my 1st amendment rights are still in place, or did I miss the memo sent out by Mr Owen?

          Ms Mosby is well within her rights to rebut any claim or allegation made by anyone, but by the same token she is not allowed to play the “poor me card” or the “race/gender card” or the “everyone else does it card” to try to get a pass on issues anyone may disagree with her on. Elected officials like Ms Mosby need to remember that they are employees and that they were not elevated above the common man when elected, they have a duty to perform the will of the people not the agenda of theirs or any other politician/political party.

          I would suggest to her and any other candidate, elected official, or public employee that if they can not stand to be criticized, poked fun at, and have your feet held to the fire that a political career is not what they are cut out for and maybe they should look at a career in education where inadequacies are protected by a union.

          One other thing….times have changed, no longer will people sit idly by while politicians carry out a personal/party agenda without speaking their mind and pointing out that fact, political offices were never intended to be life long careers but a duty and honor to serve the people, then it is the next persons opportunity to serve their constituents, this keeps “old boys clubs” from forming and career politicians from becoming self-serving loosing sight of what they were elected to do.

          Best advice I could give both of you is to take a lesson from Doc Adams, question everything and don’t just be a rubber stamp for the machine.


          • You must not know of me very well. I’ve been questioning government policy and the actions of individual officeholders and board members for the entire 30 years I’ve served in government … long before Doc Adams and certainly more actively than he.

            Secondly, I was not defending Missy’s every action on the council, nor am I saying that you or anyone else shouldn’t question her actions as 2nd Ward council member. And it would be a huge misrepresentation of my intentions and my history to say that you or anyone else does not enjoy full rights to free expression of your thoughts and beliefs.

            My reply was specific to your invitation to waitamn to “name two (people) that are not relatives (of Missy Mosby)” who think she has done a good job on the city council. Now go read my reply and try your damnedest not to take it out of context again. (You seem to have a penchant for taking comments out of context and getting all riled up and defensive.)

            So, here to assist you, I will condense my comments: I have disagreed with Missy Mosby on several political and policy issues in the past several years. One particular disagreement was over something that puts a burden on me, my family, and my constituents outside the city limits. However, Missy’s stand on that issue was a stand on behalf of her 2nd Ward constituents who suffer flooding conditions more severe than in any other part of town, and the sewer rate increase and surcharge she voted for that I objectionable, she did that to pay for the projects that are helping her constituents. This is emblematic of how Missy conducts herself on the council … she works for the people she represents.

            Now there is a whispering campaign against Missy accusing her of behavior that resulted in her being fired (Not True), missing a city council meeting to take a vacation (Not True), hunting for a job in Florida (Not True), and several other more unsavory and slanderous accusations. You participated in this thing to some degree by making a mocking remark about Missy vacationing in Florida with her relatives. She was there less than a week. She did not miss a city council meeting. She has an excellent attendance record on the council. If I were you, I wouldn’t want to be associated with the whispering campaign that’s going on. You seem to have higher standards than that from other comments you have made.

          • “I’m reasonably sure that the current president and congress hasn’t removed the bill of rights yet and that my 1st amendment rights are still in place, or did I miss the memo sent out by Mr Owen?”

            HAHA!!! Not yet, but apparently Mitch McConnell wishes to dismiss with the Constitution.

          • I hate to point out the obvious but being of the same political party and an elected official doesn’t really make your support or vote of confidence for her in the same context as another voter, or someone from the ward who is a common, everyday (non-insider) person, then there is the fact you do not live in the 2nd ward.

            As to the whispering campaign while you are correct I am not a party to that it is difficult to be a elected official in Evansville and not have your enemies, it’s even harder to be a Mosby on the eastside of Evansville and not have enemies, my “mocking remark” is what is know as satire, political satire to be specific and I’ll reiterate that if a politician can not stand to be poked or jabbed and laugh it off they are really in the wrong profession.

            Don’t get me wrong I do appreciate your years of public service, it’s commendable to devote 30 yeas of your life to politics, and I’m also sure that in 30 years you have created your own list of enemies and have made the list as enemies to others, it is how politics works here in river city don’t you think?


        • Mr Walters,

          Why do you feel the need to “make up” for Ms Mosby? Are you saying that you would not have made a donation anyway? You claim as part of your campaign that if elected you want to make the permit process easier for businesses in the city. If you accomplish that will you move YOUR business into the city instead of your current location in the outer most part of the county? Maybe even into the second ward where you are so concerned about the lack of jobs?

          And the sidewalks in the second ward that you are concerned about will hopefully be nice and new when they finish the sewer project that Ms Mosby fought so hard to get accomplished on our behalf.

          So far the only thing I have seen that has given you an edge over your opponent is a $100 donation, which again you were apparently not going to give until you saw this little opportunity for a public jab. 100 bucks isn’t enough to grab my vote. Sorry. I have seen more than a usual amount of your business billboards around which loudly display your name. Is that because it is cheaper to advertise for a business than it is for a political campaign?

          • I think it is very commendable on Lon’s part to donate to voices unlike his “tapped out” opponent.
            YES I heard her utter those words and then leave a few days later on vacation.
            Walters has built a successful business and created jobs for Evansville through that business—Mosby has held how many different jobs in the last 4 years?

            Enlighten me please—I keep hearing her spout about fixing the sewers yet I’m fairly certain that fix was part of the mandate by the EPA.

          • One, I do not have any billboards running at this time. I only had two billboards for a two-month span from May to June. Two, I give to a very long list of charities, as you can see on my web site. Three, I employee quite a few employees from the 2nd ward. All but 3 of my employees are residents of Evansville.

  2. Let’s have a brief recap of how Vectren acquired the property for their fine, new headquarters building down on the riverfront using eminent domain as subsidized by the people’s taxes.

    • Ah…but they just stated the other day that they could have built it anywhere but made the choice on building in Evansville and haven’t looked back since. 😉

      • Yeah, didn’t even look back long enough to keep from gouging the Levee Authority either, did they? Oh, and the street light bills. Must be nice to be a monopoly, right?

        Lastest I heard, blanger, is Vectren laid 2 grand on your boy Davis so he’d simmer down off their butts. Status quo, mo fo!

        • $2,000 is all they gave him to throw his opposition to the curb? Bet them suckers wish that crafty old John Friend didn’t get his hands on Rick’s idea and run with it. Old Friend worked in a utility and knows their tricks. If he takes them on is a public forum he will make them look not only evil but dumb. A public forum that is televised is what we need though. How in the hell can it cost three times as much for electricity here than it does in Henderson?

          If Rick Davis sold out for $2,000 then he has no business being Mayor. I wonder how much Winnecke has gotten from Vectren and from parties thrown by Ellerbrook for him? I bet it is north of $50 k.

          • 2K is chump change in a mayors race except it will pay for 75 more of those butt ugly yellow mini billboards cluttering up Evansville. Maybe Danks can cram another couple dozen of those signs on his little corner of Sycamore and Main.

    • Well, that dumb face pockets about $300k per year for doing nothing but wearing a suit and twisting people’s arms to carry water for Vectren.

      I sure hope that the city council don’t take orders from the fool that took his orders from Nancy Pelosi.

  3. Ellsworth has always been a puppet of who ever he works for the Dems in congress or now vectren.

  4. Blanger
    I could name more than few that aren’t relatives but lets just start with the ones who voted for her in the primary and beat McBride, who was supported Davis and the firefighters. She beat him with hard work and knowing the second ward.
    Nice twist on the word “her” in my previous post. I’ve read enough of your post in the past to know you know what I meant. But anytime you can get a jab in at Missy, you take it.

    • LOL…an easy target, believe me that if I wanted to truly take a jab at Ms Mosby there are literally hundreds of things I could talk about, but it serves no real purpose now does it?

      Point counter point only works when you have a defendable position, you do not have such an advantage.


      • Don’t worry about it Blanger. Jack is still crying from the defeat of his golden boy Watts in the primary. He’s got to make sure he gets in his daily Mosby rear kissing.

        • Just friends, no rear kissing. I’m really looking forward watching the council after the first of the year. Should be great TV

  5. I see Missy is asking for any critical comments to be removed. Interesting how politicians are so quick to chuck 1st amendment rights when it suits them.

    You’re a public figure, Missy. Fair or not, people are going to question your integrity, work ethic, and more. Get used to it, or find another line of work.

  6. The EPA put the order on Evansville to do sewer improvements. Any politician that pats themselves on the back for doing this is grandstanding. Missy didn’t do it and Weinzapfel didn’t do it. They both just happened to be in office when the order was issued.

    • The EPA mandated more effective control of combined sewer overflow (CSO) into the Ohio River specifically. Much of the work done on the southeast side of Evansville, most of it in the 2nd Ward, was done in direct response to chronic storm water flooding of particular neighborhoods, and not necessarily associated with the CSO mandate.

      The Mayor’s Stormwater Task Force studied and targetted specific flood prone neighborhoods, and made specific recommendations to initiate projects that will prevent or minimize flooding of those neighborhoods. Much of the work establishes larger storm water pipes, temporary holding facilities, and improved channels to convey the storm water to the pump stations along the levee, thence into Eagle Slough, not the Ohio River (or the CSOs specified by EPA in the mandate).

      Mayor Weinzapfel established the Stormwater Task Force, contracted the the design consultants, and directed the city engineer’s office and the water and sewer utility to drive the work to completion. All that was done under the Weinzafel administration, and not just by chronologic political happenstance.

  7. Bam,

    The movement for sewer renovations on the southeast side began after a September 2006 rainfall that flooded many homes and caused much damage to 2nd ward properties. Missy was elected in 2007. Sewer projects to relieve the flooding of these neighborhoods began in 2008. The Department of Justice, on behalf of the EPA, did not file suit against the city until September of 2009. And their complaint was that the current system was causing sewage overflow into the river and not compliant with the Clean Water Act, not that Missy’s constituents were subject to flooding. The fact that our city’s sewer system is out of date can be attributed to more than a few of our previous administrations. So if you follow this timeline you should be “enlightened” to the fact that Missy was already working to fix the sewer problems in our ward long before an EPA mandate.

    • C&P 2007

      Quoted from that article “Mosby and other supporters of a possible new stadium say the Weinzapfel administration has spent or committed to spend $120 million to address sewer and flooding issues. They say there’s no reason not to investigate the options for Roberts Stadium while investing money in infrastructure.

      “The mayor has done a great job of working on the problems with flooding and sewer issues, and I want to make sure this work continues forward,” Mosby said.”

      Again looks like all the sewer fixes had nothing to do with her.
      All about the ol boys club then and now.
      After coming across that there is no doubt on my vote.

      • The article you are referencing was written three weeks before that year’s election. The flooding epidemic in those neighborhoods became a city-wide discussion during that campaign. Both opponents that year were advocating for flood assistance for southeast side residents. No one has ever claimed that she was SOLELY responsible for the entire project. But by winning the election, and by fairly large margin if I remember correctly, she became the voice for her ward. She listened to the people and remained diligent in ensuring the city followed through with its promises. She kept her campaign promises to the people who elected her and still does to this day. I have to wonder how much of the criticism of Missy has to do with her last name. And I also wonder how many people would crediting Carla Hayden with regard to this issue if she had won that election. Missy has remained accessible to her constituents, listened to them, and then advocates for what THEY tell her they need, not what SHE thinks is best for them. That is exactly what a representative of the people is supposed to do, which unfortunately is very rare in today’s political realm.

        And just to be clear, I have never voted a straight ticket in my life. There are plenty of members of the so-called good ol boys club that I have not supported and will not. I guess I’m old-fashioned. I just want the people I vote for to keep their promises. So far I’ve seen no evidence that Missy Mosby has failed to keep hers.

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