“IS IT TRUE” MAY 12, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE the Mayor “Reopen Task Force” is beginning to coordinate the opening of select businesses in the Evansville area? …we wish them well and hope that they are approaching this re-opening project with cautious optimism, rational thinking, objective data-driven planning, and prayerful thought?
IS IT TRUE with the exceptions of the renowned scientists and medical experts the shortage of people with knowledge about the transmission of viruses making comments is astonishing?…most people are getting sick and tired of hearing mindless platitudes coming from totally unqualified people concerning the pros and cons of the COVID-19 virus?…if there has ever been a time for competence medical professionals and scientists to step forward and charismatics to keep their mouths shut, this is the time?
IS IT TRUE we highly recommend before you consider re-opening your business in the next several days you talk with your attorney and insurance carrier and see if you and your business are covered by any malfeasance lawsuit concerning a COVID -19 virus issues?
IS IT TRUE that the top 10 areas saw surges of 72.4 percent or greater over a seven-day period compared to the prior week, according to a set of tables produced for the task force by its Data and Analytics unit?  …they include Nashville, Tennessee; Des Moines, Iowa; Amarillo, Texas; and — atop the list with a 650 percent increase — Central City, Kentucky.
IS IT TRUE in Indiana there were 511 new positive cases of the COVID-19 virus between 05/06/2020 and 05/10/2020?
IS IT TRUE between 05/06/2020 and 05/10/2020 24,627 total positive cases have been recorded in Indiana?
IS IT TRUE in Indiana between 05/06/2020 and 05/10/2020 32 new deaths have been recorded?
IS IT TRUE between 05/06/2020 and 05/10/2020 32 1,411 total deaths have been recorded in Indiana?
IS IT TRUE between 05/06/2020 and 05/10/2020 6,667 COVID -19 virus test have been given in Indiana?
IS IT TRUE as of 05/10/2020 146,688 COVID -19 virus test has been given in Indiana?  …that 16.8 % Hoosiers tested positive with the COVID -19 virus?
IS IT TRUE in Indiana there are a total of 3,033 positive cases in Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities7   …so far that 584 deaths have been reported in Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities in Indiana7
IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Supreme Court suspended the law license of Attorney General Curtis Hill Jr. for 30 days starting May 18, 2020?  …that former Evansville Mayor and Ivy Teck Chancellor and Attorney General candidate Jonathan Weinzapfel wasted no time in attacking the embattled Indiana Attorney General?  …starting yesterday Mr. Weinzaapfel has become the odds on choice in winning the Democratic primary race for Attorney General
IS IT TRUE the economic fallout for regions that are dependent on fun and games will be much more severe than regions with a balanced economy?…even though most of the events have been rescheduled for fall, the immediate impact of layoffs and deferred revenue will be devastating to many people?…the reality is that it is just people that matter in times like these when negative impacts happen through no fault of anyone?
IS IT TRUE a couple of years ago the Evansville DMD purchased a dilapidated and vacant block building located in the seedy part of North Main street for around $535,000?  … it was reported last year that the Evansville DMD was considering selling this renovated (at the cost of $1.5 million dollars) and leased building to an investor for $178,000? …all we hear about the status from the Evansville DMD about this building is crickets?   …we have attached a link from the Vanderburgh County Assessor office concerning the sales transactions and appraisal of this building that you shall find interesting?

IS IT TRUE if you are a Board member of a not-for-profit organization you are considered to be a “Steward Of The Public Trust” and you have the “Fiduciary Responsibility” to ensure that all financial transactions will meet the litmus test of an audit conducted by Federal and State governmental agencies?

IS IT TRUE if you are the CEO of a multi-million dollar for-profit corporation and hire someone to purchase, develop, and market investment property the CEO expects profitable results? …if this doesn’t happen in a reasonable time the CEO of a for-profit Corporation will immediately terminate your contract for non-performance?  …when this type of thing happens in local Government all we hear are “crickets”?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO warned about the pending deficit spending disaster of the City of Evansville for several years?… former City Councilman and Finance Chairman John Friend, CPA also warned that this was deficit spending disaster was coming for many years? …it seems that the only member of the current City Council who recognizes and openly admits to these deficiencies is the 5th Ward Councilman Justin Elpers?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Kemberie Weightman for sending us the daily “EPD Activities Police” reports in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Which state do you feel that has been more forthcoming about the current status of the deadly COVID-19 virus?
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  1. The STATS today on the COVID-19 cases, deaths and lack of testing are excellent.
    Thank you editor for great public service.

    • It is an absolute shame that the United States was so unprepared for this.

      People keep trying to convince me that the President has done a great job. But the economy has been destroyed. The US leads the world in # of infections and deaths! That’s a win?

      If we were better prepared, unemployment could have been kept in the 7-8% range maybe.

      But 15%? Unemployment going to 20%…the damage to the US economy has been like a biblical flood.

      • All of this was really predictable. Democrats sold out this country to the Chinese and is now basically the Chinese communist democrat party. The democrats were focused on Russia and bringing the president down while Obama, major colleges and universities were selling us out to the Chinese. WHO and the democrat party were suppose to be helping us but instead were selling us out to the ChiCom. As Obama stated, we will now transform america. Mission Accomplished.

        • newspeak,

          you must think Trump is a real wiener. A weakling. The way you describe it, everyone is kicking Trump’s ass, and all you can do is whine about it! “ooooohh, they were mean to him!!”

          • Calling Trump a wiener when biden is the best your party can field is odd. Just look at your party and try not to laugh. Trump is the one one that called out the china threat. Dems were heartbroken when Russia collapsed, but they found new role models in communist china.

  2. Trump said during a press conference on coronavirus testing that the U.S. had “met the moment” and “prevailed.” Trump is a delusional.

    What planet is he on? More than 30 million unemployed and we have prevailed? One point three million infected, 80,000 American fatalities — those numbers still growing and we have prevailed?

    Forget about politics. No one should tolerate a president who ignores the truth, says whatever pops into his head, whether it’s true or false, or dangerous and then moves on to the next pathological lie, talk about the next quack cure.

  3. I have a lot of concern that the Mayor “Reopen Task Force” is beginning to get the cart before the horse. Looking at the data presented above speaks for itself, WE need to proceed with EXTREME caution. There does not appear to be a strong recommendation to what needs to be required to opening of restaurants as an example. I would love to be back to where we were in December, HOWEVER, if we don’t have answers to the data and a better guide to protect for openings the Mayor “Reopen Task Force” will result in a large number of positive Covid 19 as well as related deaths. At that time Deputy Mayor Schaefer, will be called as some of my friends say Dr. Death.

    • What concerns do you have about restaurants opening? What would be a good date to open up? I suspect you’ll say sometimes after the 2020 presidential election and only then if Biden happens to win. I personally expect that we will lose 1/3 of our small businesses by the end of summer. I used to eat 5+ times a month and currently have no plans to ever eat out locally again and suspect there are lots of others with similar plans. Our city and county is only experiencing the tip of the ice berg, the big concern for the city is, when is that boat going to be up and running. If this virus stays around for 2+ years as some predict, imagine what our fair community will look like.

  4. All of this was really predictable. Democrats sold out this country to the Chinese and is now basically the Chinese communist democrat party. The democrats were focused on Russia and bringing the president down while Obama, major colleges and universities were selling us out to the Chinese. WHO and the democrat party were suppose to be helping us but instead were selling us out to the ChiCom. As Obama stated, we will now transform america. Mission Accomplished.

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