IS IT TRUE the border between Mexico and the USA is about 9 million feet?…About 1/3 of it already has a wall leaving a maximum need for 6 Million feet of fence, wall, or whatever….Some of it will not be necessary because it is the Rio Grande river?…At $1,000 per foot this works out to $6 Billion for the whole darn wall?…For reference an 8 foot tall chain link fence is $10 per foot and a block wall is $80 per foot?…Hadrian’s Wall that was built by the Romans to keep the Scots out of England is only about 6 feet tall but it had guards stationed to prevent unwanted crossings?

IS IT TRUE there are fences and guard shacks at the border crosses and that fences away from border crossings are not much more sophisticated than the ones around a residence?…A halfway competent construction team should be able to build a wall for $6 Billion or less?…That would include trenching under it to make digging under difficult and a state of the art surveillance system?…From a pure construction perspective, a wall should be simple and the cost should be way less than the numbers being tossed about in the media?

IS IT TRUE just because a wall exists does not guarantee it will work to prevent illegal immigration?…most illegals come here through existing portals and not through the desert at night?…The wall would be a deter walking across the border away from border crossings, but not for air travel, day workers, or those who are smuggled in by coyotes (Slang for the usury jerks who essentially kidnap people into the country and exploit them for labor and sex trafficking)?

Is It True If a wall is to actually work, it would need a guard or two every mile with shoot to kill authority and/or bloodhounds to round people up?…An armed solution may work, but it is highly unlikely that the American public would support such a draconian process?

IS IT TRUE that from a construction perspective, even an idiotic government that pays $700 for a hammer and $500 for toilet seats should be able to build a 6M foot wall for under $25B and there is plenty of graft for friends, relatives, and patronage managers in that figure?… If they really want to save some money they should pay Mexico to build the wall as they could probably build it for less than a billion dollars and permitting wouldn’t even be an issue?

IS IT TRUE that working walls exist in many places including most newer schools, airports, private businesses, houses, gated communities, and even the White House?…the real question is whether or not spending good money on a wall is a wise thing to do given the process it takes to make it work and the ease of entry by other methods?

IS IT TRUE last night post concerning Justin Elpers ousting Jonathan Weaver from a leadership position on City Council had a whooping 6,394 reads on both the CCO and our Facebook in a 3 hour period?

FOOTNOTE: Todays “Readers Poll” question Is: Are you pleased that City Council elected 5th Ward Council member Justin Elpers as the Vice President of that body? 


  1. show me a 30 foot wall and I will show you a 31 foot ladder. Several miles of the wall cannot be constructed because of First Nation’s land. These folks have said “No wall on our property”. Of course we can always do what we do best; invade kill them all and build the wall anyway. This would be good for our military, boost moral, and help the financially strapped industrial military complex.

  2. C’mon, we need some dumb-asses in here to defend Trump, who LIED when he promised Mexico would pay for a wall. The wall? It’s being paid for by US Taxpayers and the new budget appropriations in the US Congress.


  3. At the bare minimum, 40% of people here illegally never crossed the Southern border. They are here by overstaying their student, tourist and work visas.

    A 30 foot wall sounds sexy as long as you have a 130 foot deep wall underneath it. Israel can vouch for the tunnel problem because they led to 72 Israeli deaths in their last conflict.

    That being said, Congress quadrupled the amount of visas allowed last month in their spending bill and if people are really concerned about someone being here illegally, I would hope everyone remembers that none of the 9-11 hijackers were Mexicans. All of the hijackers were here on overstayed visas. So while we have our eyes on this Great Wall, our Achilles heel just got quadrupled;

    Regardless, no one should be allowed in illegally or allowed to stay illegally because of national security reasons. And whatever it takes to solve the problem I’m for….

  4. No nation can remain a sovereign nation unless they control their borders and enforce their immigration laws. Obama refused to do both.
    There is no such thing as an illegal “immigrant”. They are illegal aliens and, as such, should be required to leave. It’s the law. And it’s relatively simple to enforce. Require employers to use e-verify and levy hefty fines on those who don’t. It’s also the law.
    Trump seems to have forgotten this is the issue that enabled him to win the nomination and, in large part, the election.

  5. Mr.Trump has not forgot…..the wall will be built and mexico will pay for it down the short narrow road…..just YouTube it Mr. Trump said down the road many a times………the law and the funding has been on the books since 2006 this gets the wall done now………..throw in law enforcement drones and the stopping of funding of sanctuary cities that will happen………..wrong way becker has without a doubt been Wrong everyday for the last year………..Wrong way becker when is that Trump news channel going to start that you talked about I am saving my money to buy stock into that winner………😁😁

  6. Jeff Sessions is without a doubt a fantastic honest American……………….Law And Order 2017 and beyond……………………………………………………………………….

  7. During my life I have met a lot of illegal immigrants. 99% of them are hard working. The 1% are criminals.

    • If they are in our country illegally, they are breaking our laws and are 100% criminals by definition. Because the majority are hard working doesn’t change their criminality.

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