We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 
IS IT TRUE when the mainstream media becomes a lap dog for elected officials instead of being a watchdog for the people and the taxpayers are the one who pays the price for bad business decisions made by politicians?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners will be selecting a well known and highly respected community leader at their next meeting to serve on the Evansville/Vanderburgh County Public Library Board?  …we are told that the vote to put this individual on the Library Board will be unanimous?
IS IT TRUE that the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana filed suit against an action by the town’s public libraries that banned citizens from holding a Drag Queen Story Hour in that library’s facilities? …The ACLU won that decision?
IS IT TRUE until recently Evansville seems to have landed another Arena Football team and this one will be playing in the $127 Million Ford Center? …the plans were seemingly dashed because of a lack of funding from the Corporate office? …if the Firebirds were able to start the season it was highly likely that they would have been able to finish it because of the lack of marketing and long term financial support from the Corporate office?
IS IT TRUE we have written many times in the past, it is winning that sell seats and not the money spent on the Arena they play in?…we have been down this path before with both indoor and outdoor football and the song remains the same?…it was highly feasible that this team like the others may have been a bunch of former high school and college players who are longing for another shot at the gridiron?
IS IT TRUE that the Bluecats had a run of several years and drew about 2,500 attendees per game with many of them being free tickets?  …the Bluecats and the Vipers both fell on hard times in the win department and at the box office and ceased operations?…the Vipers eventually moved their games to Morganfield, KY to play on a field that is otherwise only used for little league?
IS IT TRUE last week three Vanderburgh County Commissioners appeared on the weekly WNIN “Lawmakers” show over the weekend? …they answered questions about the jail overcrowding, the public library, roads, economic development, and many other topics?
…we commend the Commissioners for doing an excellent job in explaining their future plans to serve the taxpayers of this community?
IS IT TRUE last week we correctly predicted that the potential Democratic candidate for the Mayor of Evansville will not be filing on Friday? …If this individual decides to run for Mayor of Evansville he will ask the Democratic party officials to select him as their Mayoral candidate in a political caucus in the very near future? …we are told if he decides to runs for Mayor of Evansville his campaign will not only have an awesome social media presence but he will also be well versed with the political decisions that the Mayor have made since he been in office?
IS IT TRUE we were impressed with Vanderburgh  County Commission President Ben Shoulders comments he made just before he opened the “Public Comment Section” of the meeting?  …he said; “It looks like we have 3 individuals here to speak today and it looks like all 3 are here to speak about EVPL.  I want to preface this portion of our meeting by saying this to everyone.  First, please be cognizant of time, especially due to the number of speakers here today.  But more importantly, I want to emphasize the importance of all speakers being respectful, polite and courteous to all parties.  As a governing body, we are here to welcome comments; however, we will not tolerate any form of hatred, demeaning or bullying of ANY kind at ANY time.  We are all Vanderburgh County citizens and fellow taxpayers and here for the greater good of OUR community.?”  …commend Mr. Shoulders for making the above comments to the taxpayers who wanted to speak before the County Commission?
IS IT TRUE we wonder why the management of the Ford Center wasn’t interested in advertising in the City-County Observer anymore? …could it have been because during the last several years the CCO has written some less than complimentary articles concerning the funding of the Evansville Thunderbolts? …if any advertiser expects to use the CCO for propaganda purposes we suggest that they better spend their adverting elsewhere? ..the CCO takes pride in being Evansville’s Watch Dog and we will continue to do so even if it picks our own pocket?
IS IT TRUE that Senate Bill 479 authored by Sen. Vaneta Becker, Sen. James Thomes, and Sen. Mark Messmer and sponsored by Rep. Holli Sullivan, Rep. Ryan Hatfield, and Wendy McNamara states the following?  …it says; “Transfer of state real property. Requires the conveyance of certain real property by the state to the University of Evansville to remove restrictions on the use of the property by the university that was required by legislation enacted in 1988 and 1997”?  …we wonder what this is all about?
Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that its time that our elected officials be held accountable for the bad business decisions they make in our behalf?
Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports.
If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com
FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column by our readers do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Is what I heard true that the U of E property restriction was about billboards?? So, are our representatives endorsing another nasty billboard on the Lloyd?

  2. Has the EVPL board explained what type of background checks will be done on the cross dressing drag queens that they are hellbent to “read” to young children at the taxpayer funded library?

    • Joe, wondering if the Library notified their liability insurance carrier about their drag queen and children reading hour.

    • The big difference between the Louisiana Story Hour and Evansville’s Story Hour is that the DQSH group in Louisiana reserved a room at the library, but in Evansville, the library itself is the entity putting on the Story Hour. The Courier’s attempt to quash the Evansville taxpayers’ concern with this circulating article is moot.

      • Nope, more obfuscation and misdirection

        EVPL sponsors a story hour regularly, and this not a special schedule. Your pontificating will not change that

        EVPL was questioned by County Council, and the entire event is VOLUNTEERS!

        Per Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library Director Cynthia Landrum, who was answering questions AT the County Council meeting:

        The volunteer readers will be trained to read books chosen by library staff

        Stories are picked by the library and the local drag queen volunteers are trained by library staff

        She also said library volunteers are expected to follow the employee dress code, the volunteers are aware they’ll be in a library and won’t wear nightclub attire

        She stressed that this is a voluntary event

        All of this is per various media that have covered the County Council meeting, you can ALSO see the video online

        While we chat, the asinine comments about background checks is ignorant. Were background checks done when there was “Christian story hour” in the past? No, because hypocrites like you would have had a meltdown

        I’ve read your “blog” and it’s disgusting. Maybe practice what you preach “pastor”

  3. 95-Year Old Medal of Honor Recipient Giving Back to Gold Star Mothers, Honoring Fallen Kentucky Troops

    “He’s the last surviving Marine to have been awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II. Now, at 95, Hershel “Woody” Williams is still giving back, this time to Gold Star mothers in Kentucky.

    It’s not something you’ll hear a lot about in the press. In fact, it might even seem quotidian. However, it’s a display of what’s great about this country — and the men and women who have served it.

    According to Stars and Stripes, Williams is set to be the keynote speaker for the Kentucky Department of the American Gold Star Mothers luncheon on April 6.

    Gold Star mothers are mothers who have lost a child in the service of the U.S. Armed Forces….”

    “If you ever have one of those days where you’re losing faith in the American spirit, just look toward men like Williams. It’s not the kind of story you’ll see in the media, but it’s a story we should take a lot more time to celebrate. There’s a reason they call them the Greatest Generation.”


    • With all the political craziness, it’s refreshing to read about real American heroes like Woody Williams.

    • Your name scared me. At first I thought it was that mean Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez guy that posts all the time. I’m no Trump fan, but no President has ever had more opposition from his own party, the Demos, the non-stop media bashing and the corrupt FBI probe based on Hillary’s fake dossier.

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