IS IT TRUE it looks like our “INDY MOLES” came through when they informed us that State Auditor and Evansville native Suzanne Crouch would be selected as Eric Holcomb running mate?  …we must admit that it felt good that this “fledgling blog” upstaged the local main stream media about a week before her selection was make public?

IS IT TRUE the appointment of Evansville native and State Auditor as Eric Holcomb really has local Democratic party officials worried?  …people are saying by Suzanne Crouch being Eric Holcomb running mate has enhance Vanderburgh County chances of going Republican by a large percentage?  …It’s legend so goes Vanderburgh County so go the State?  …all we can say this is a major developing political story?

IS IT TRUE  Rep. Larry Bucshon has a problem with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump?  … last week Rep. Larry Bucshon stated he is going to vote for Donald Trump because he’s a Republican is almost laughtful? …Rep. .Bucshon stated that has some serious disagreements with some of the statements that Trump has made in the past. …we are hearing maybe Mr. Trump is also having problems with a few statements that Mr. Bucshon has made in the past?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that several Evansville City Council members are biting at the bit on how to spend future “Riverboat Revenue” once the casino comes on land?  …we hope that our elected officials will realized that Tropicana has a local gaming competitor called ELLIS PARK located in Henderson, Ky. and they also have several regional (100 to 200 mile radius) gaming establishments to compete with?

IS IT TRUE conventional wisdom suggests when Tropicana goes on land the overall gross revenue will be increased only in the short term?  … we have been  told that City Council shouldn’t expect that much of a long term financial growth in Evansville once the Riverboat expansion is complete?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing the city administration has already received an advancement of $12.5  million dollars from Tropicana for this budget year to pay current bills?  …we are hearing that our tax and spend  Mayor is already planning to spend the majority of the projected income from Tropicana for 2017?  …in a positive light we are pleased to hear that 3rd Ward City Councilwoman Anna Hargis, CPA said “she would like the lease advancement money to go toward long-term investments”?  …we would like for Hargis to push to increase the balance of Evansville “RAINEY DAY FUND”?

IS IT TRUE its time that our local elected officials stop relying on money generated from Tropicana as their own political patronage slush fund?  …it’s also time that our elected officials to stop dogging Tropicana to give them advanced on projected revenue to off set their bad spending habits?

FOOTNOTE: Todays READERS POLL question is:  Do You feel its time for Anna Hargis CPA to speak out on budget shortfalls?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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    • I like Crouch, so I am happy to see Suzanne part of the ticket.
      But I have a question for the Editor of the CCO:

      Why does the City County Observer think Holcomb would make a better Governor than Gregg?
      Will the Editor of the CCO please answer this?

      • The ticket should flip, Crouch should be at the top. Suzanne Crouch has been a good public servant, in my opinion. Eric Holcomb has never been elected to anything. He sits where he is, as a sort of incumbent governor, due to the unpopular Pence’s ambition and Donald Trump’s need to have someone marginally cleaner than himself to shore him up with the 2 Corinthians. Those 2 Corinthinans are a tough pair to draw to. Especially for a Dobson- anointed ‘Baby Christian’.

        • Why does the City County Observer think Holcomb would make a better Governor than Gregg?
          Will the Editor of the CCO please answer this?

          • Democrats have a history of running the State of Indiana into the red. Which is where it was when Mitch Daniels took over, remember? Or would you rather we overlook that embarrassing fact?

  1. Hargis didn’t get elected to speak out on budget shortfalls. She was elected to vote for whatever projects, both goofy and goofier, that her patron Lloyd Winnecke got her elected to vote for. Several others, including finance chair Butterfly McGinn, said as much before the election. They all ran as a pack, same signs, same agenda — Winnecke’s.

    The voters got what they voted for. It’ll be the same story again if the mayor decides there is enough meat left on the bone to merit him running for a 3rd term.

    • I fully expect him to run again, even if the meat is scarce. It is easier to keep things covered up from the inside. at least until Carol finds them a suitable place to retire in a country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US.

      • This is why Russ Lloyd, Sr. was a much smarter individual than Sir Lloyd Winnecke ..he could read financial statements and knew the gig was up ..Santa Lloyd on the other hand is challenged reconciling his own bank statements.

  2. Republican Bucshon has a problem with Donald Trump? That is the question?
    The GOP Congressman is not the only one with questions about Trump.
    The entire GOP Donor Base has a problem with Donald Trump. Trump’s bankruptcies mean he can’t get American banks to finance his deals, so Trump’s real estate properties have loans and financing from Russian investors. And Trump’s willingness to let Putin move Russian borders with military force to take large chunks of Ukraine and neighboring Georgia have spooked the entire GOP Donor Base.
    Trump is trying to raise money for the last 100 days of his campaign. The Trump Campaign?
    It has about two weeks to keep their interest intact (those that remain, anyway), critical time right now, or they will all bail on Trump – for good. The problem is the candidate appears to be beholden to Russia. Two weeks.

    • Yesterday Putin functionay Manafort swore, and swore again when pressed, that the platform plank weakening protections for the Ukraine did not come from the Trump campaign. It apparently did come directly from the campaign. So far Manafort is not as convincing a liar as Trump is. Maybe he hasn’t gone pathological yet. Manafort might be trying to position himself as a top tier honch for the proposed Trump/Putin New World Order. Unfortunately for him, that will never be.

  3. The Hill:

    I and every other Veteran honor Khizr Khan’s son for his service and his sacrifice. I am sure his son would want to protect this Country, after all, that was why he was serving. Part of that protection, the most important part, is setting up a better way of vetting those who want to come to this country. Given what is at stake, the lives of citizens, it is reasonable to institute these safeguards, rather than throwing the doors wide open to all, no questions asked.

    For most reasonably informed people who watched Khizr Khan’s speech that is the takeaway, his son was vetting bad actors over there, and it cost him his life. The bad actors are increasingly trying to infiltrate this country, and to the extent that we let that happen, not only the sons and daughters in our military will be at risk, but rather the population as a whole will be at risk.

    That is why Trump’s message resounds, there is logic behind it, logic that will save lives. You wont achieve your sought after egalitarian society by allowing more terrorists into the United States of America.

    One further comment on this issue. In 2004 when Humayun Khan told his squad to stay back and he would check out the threat ahead, unfortunately he was killed before he a chance to assess that threat and call for a response team.

    That was not the case with Patricia Smith’s son Sean Smith. At the United States Embassy in Benghazi the threat was immediately identified and repeated calls were made for a response team. There was time for a response, but it never took place because President Barack Obama could not afford to admit that a United States Embassy was attacked by Muslim terrorist, and a United States Ambassador brutally killed. It is these facts that Hillary Clinton was trying to divert from the public at the DNC convention by attempting to shift the focus to Donald Trump’s call for better vetting of Muslims coming into this country.

    It was typical, classical, Hillary Clinton political subterfuge that is deliberately contrived to mislead the uninformed. It had just the reverse effect on veterans, who understand what it means when corrupt politicians are given the power of life and death over patriots in arms.

    • Hillary is truly a despicable human being, willing to say or do anything to gain political power.

    • Would not the GOP legislators have blood on their hands, for they cut the budget
      request that was going towards the embassy security before that event happen?

      • Did the Embassy call for a budget meeting when they were being attacked? When does Hillary and Obama become responsible?

        • They are no more responsible for the attack and deaths than Dubya is for the 13 attacks and 60 deaths on his watch. You apparently aren’t familiar with the fact that the budget is set by the Congress, not the President and Secretary of State. The post you made here is among the top ten looniest you’ve ever come up with. Btw, it wasn’t an “Embassy,”

          • I believe the president had sent a “budget proposal” to congress,
            which congress cut back on long before the incident ever happen!
            Cuts were made on several consecutive yearly budget proposals
            during that time period!

        • Does one call their auto insurer while in the motion of an auto accident
          to get “full coverage” after being on the cheap with less coverage?
          When does GOP legislators become responsible?

    • Okay, PAK, enough of your Benghazi lies and misinformation. First and foremost, there was no embassy in Benghazi, it was a consulate. If you don’t know the difference, look it up. In reality, Benghazi was an outpost for the CIA. Chris Stevens was advised NOT to go there because of the time involved in getting a rescue team in if anything happened, but he chose to go anyway.

      Poor Patricia Smith has been called a liar by Trey Gowdy, but I believe she is so distraught that she needed to find someone to blame for her son’s death, and Sec. Clinton was who she chose. In fact, it was the fault of the Republicans who pushed the sequester through. That is why there was inadequate security at the consulate. You need to put the incident in perspective. There were thirteen attacks on embassies during GWB’s administration and 60 people killed. The outrage about that wasn’t comparable to the outrage over a consulate attack and 4 deaths. As tragic as it was, it is a part of the job the people in the State Department chose to do. Look at this, and get over it!

      • ….PAK is struggling. His guy is a bigot, supports an anti-America position helping the Russians and their Dictator, has filed bankruptcy six times…is being made fun of by his peers Bloomberg and Mark Cuban as being a “fake billionaire”……and SO……Pressanykey wants to talk about Benghazi.
        You are helping him talk about Benghazi LKB. He pretended to want to honor a fallen soldier and his Parents…but he really needs to change the subject, desperately.

        • I know he should be left alone when he is in one of his fits, but I get so tired of hearing about the “embassy” that wasn’t and the lies that take off from there. I’m concerned for his health once his world of fantasy crashes down around his ears.

  4. The above was meant as a reply to PAK’s fit of BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI Tourette’s.

  5. Oh for God’s sake.
    Trump’s Campaign Manager, Manafort is still doing PR work in the Ukraine…even while the Trump Campaign is going on.
    Manafort works for the former Chief of Staff of old pro-Russian Ukraine President Yanukovych (who lives in Russia now). Works as a Ukrainian public relations advocate, being paid on retainer today, for the pro-Russian forces who used to occupy the government there.

    • Trump has all of that experience hiring good people, so why the hell would he hire somebody with Manafort’s connections to help him win the election? He’s even had a hard time getting a running mate, so maybe people with a better job history weren’t interested in working for him. That’s all I can figure out on that.

      • For those of you who don’t know, I really am Wayne Parke. Really. I am Wayne Parke. I am. Really, really, I am Wayne. I am! In fact, I am who am! Who am I? I am Wayne Parke! I am! I’ll say it again: I am who am!

        (Pressanykey is having a really, really bad day…..which is why he wants to insist I am Wayne Parke in case you were wondering. You see, it changes the subject when he wants it changed.
        Why would Press want to change the subject?
        Well, yesterday on national TV, Donald Trump was asked about Russia, Putin and part of Ukraine, and Trump said, “Putin’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down and you can put it down, you can take it anywhere you want. Putin is not going into Ukraine.”

        But Putin is already in Ukraine. He invaded Ukraine and stole the entire Crimean peninsula – about the size of the State of Maine.

        Trump doesn’t know this. I mean, he’s RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT…and he doesn’t know this. It proves the point that Trump is a dangerous fool.

        That’s why Pressanykey is having a bad day and wants to call me “Wayne Parke.” But really, I really, really, really am Wayne Parke. But only on days when Pressanykey……is having a really, really bad day.)

    • …..let’s see. Joe has found another video of unruly people at a rally. Surprise, surprise.
      The bigots are mad about losing the cultural war folks. That is what this is about.
      Nothing Trump does, or says, or lies about, or makes stuff up….none of that matters….when you like the bigot you want to help you get back at the people you don’t like. You will excuse anything…bigotry does that.

  6. Let me follow your argument, a flag burning Hillary supporter physically attacks a peaceful Trump supporter, and that makes me (and I suppose Pressanykey) a bigot.

    • … fact, you are making the argument that this is bigotry. You want to get some payback Joe. As Hoyt Clagwell says, “let’s turn the hounds lose on the liberals”….a guy light a flag, and you pretend that’s what makes you mad….but your videos are conveniently filled with blacks, ethnics, immigrants mixed in with white people….and that drives bigots nuts. In fact…..The evidence that Trump is a bigot and appeals to other bigots is overwhelming.

      Let’s stop the pretense. Stop trying to convince us you like Trump’s plans and policies. It’s not about Trump policies (what policies?), it’s not about Trump’s plans (what plans?)…’s not even about letting Trump help Putin invade a few more European countries to make Russia bigger….It is about that Trump is a bigot….and other bigots want to support him because of it. It is the common thread.
      You don’t care about Russian threat to the United States Joe Biden. Give me an f’n break.

  7. Trump is a draft dodging coward. I see where he is complaining about Hillary rigging the debates, even though the dates for them were set over a year ago. He’s about to show us he’s a coward when it comes to debating her, too. He’s going to slide out of debating. What a great American!

    • He is indeed an oily coward. As you noted, he’s now transparently laying the groundwork to duck the debates (much like our local debate duckers Bacon, McNamara and Sullivan). Putin functionary Manafort was trying to help him in that respect yesterday. I can’t imagine him debating Hillary, someone so much smarter than he is. His cowardice is likely one of the reasons he so readily goes after war heros, dead or alive. Humayun Khan might not only have saved many of his fellow soldiers, he might have helped save America from this embarrassment ever becoming president and possibly from ever having to hear from him again. He is ripe for hospitalization.

      Drumpf is erratic at his awful best, now that he’s feeling the Wrath of Khan no telling what he’ll do. He is one sick puppy, a severely damaged individual.

      • Wrath of Khan! Excellent….! Just saw this.
        (Trump has started helping elect Democrats across the entire United States now….for those of you who are clueless. He’s helping Bayh be our next Senator. He’s helping Gregg be our next Governor. He’s making sure Chuck Schumer is the next Senate Majority Leader. Oh, and helping Russia.
        The dangerous fool…is helping all right.)

      • He decided not to mention the Khans at his event today. Instead, he started laying the groundwork to incite violence when he loses. He’s now talking about how he fears the election is going to be “rigged’ against him. He doesn’t want to be president, he wants to foment an insurrection.

      • Trump really is certifiable. I’d love to see three psychologists evaluate the man for several years and write a book about Mr. Loony Tunes. The guy is an egomaniac and crazy as a fox with rabies.

        He and Putin are two of a kind. First he said that he and Putin were buddies and then he said he has no ties to Putin. But his campaign manager has direct ties to the former Soviet President of Ukraine and he has close ties to Putin. And the Russian Mob has invested in Trump’s real estate deals. Trump knows that Putin’s Russia invaded and took over the Crimea which is part of Southern Ukraine which is Russia’s only warm water port with access to the sea at all time of the year. The Northern Russian Ports are blocked with ice during the winter months. So there is no way that Trump doesn’t know the importance of the Crimean Peninsula to Russia. Trump has a lot of nerve lying his eyeballs out in front of the entire world. Like I said he’s tainted in the head. He believes his own lies, which is really sad. Or as Trump would put it…. really really Sad…. So sad… so really really really Sad. And you can believe me when I say. It’s really really really sad!

  8. The Wall Street Journal published a non-political article on growth of the American economy today. The link is below. Here is the reality. If economic growth were sustained at 3% or above as it was from 1984-2000 all of the aggravation and disappointment that spills into the streets and causes people to feel like life is rigged would cease. As it was once said, “it is the economy stupid”. Neither Trump nor Hillary are up to the task of making 3% real economic growth happen. Both are proposing smoke and mirrors short term band aids.

    • There was a trade deficit of $531.5 billion in 2015, and it was ugly like that for many years before that!
      Government is spending to offset the hit to the general population, by the corporations, etc. of sending jobs
      overseas, downsizing for the quarterly/yearly reports, just to make stock holders and Wall Street happy!

      One can not pay others to do the work that you can do yourself, and borrow money just to sit idle!
      That is what business and our government are doing!

  9. it is a shame that Mr.Kahn and his wife after 12yrs of their Hero son dying will attack for political reasons Mr.trump the same Mr.Trump that had nothing to do with the war…. Mr.Trumps only sin according to Kahn is to keep the animals out of America that killed Captain Kahn………Kahn more or less being a clinton pawn was ignorant or he was pimping out Captain Kahn……….I am sure the libtards will not be voting for bobble head hillary or bayh since they both without a doubt was very strong supporters of the Iraq war…. ……..Mr.Trump……….law and Order………..2016……….and beyond………..on a side note the next WIKILEAKS Leaks will without a doubt indict crooked doormat hillary ……..

  10. Twenty three Gold Star families demanding in writing that Rump apologize to the Khans. His paid surrogates are out in force, more plentiful than ever, can’t sit still and possibly on speed. They are talking about everything but Rump’s unconscionable treatment of Mr. & Mrs. Khan and their hero son. The surrogates have in common that they are all accomplished loud buttinskis.

    Drumpf is currently ducking questions about the question de jour. Wouldn’t answer reporter’s queries about the Khan family. Hiding in the green room as I type. They’ll eventually smoke him out for his promised presser.

  11. the msm is without a doubt a complete fraud ………….Mr.Trump……..Law and Order………..2016…..and beyond…………….

    • …having a tough day Al Sharpie? I mean your guy, he’s a train wreck. Donald Trump is helping the Democrats at this point. He’s helping elect Evan Bayh. He’s helping make Gregg the next Governor of Indiana. He’s helping Hillary appoint the next Supreme Court of the United States. Pop open a cold Blatz Al.

  12. Well, it’s officially out of tbe bag. The Billy Bolin/SWAT Team/Milan fiasco was settled for $60,000 with neither party accepting responsibility.
    To me it appears Captain Billy, First Mate Winnecke, and the crew of the Good Ship SS Eville skated on this one…

    • If that’s the case, I’m stunned, and I mean STUNNED the settlement was that small.

    • It looks like they spent more of our money trying to appeal it than they did to settle it.

      • I would indeed be very interested in knowing the total amount of public dollars spent on the legal side of this case.

        Also, any information on whether or not the powers-that-be on EPD are being sued civilly by the Milans? Maybe that accounts for the small ‘city’ settlement?

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