IS IT TRUE that Jacob Murphy, the millennial professional who was wrongful dismissed from his Directorship role at Burdette Park may be looking elsewhere for gainful employment? … its only natural for him to be jaded on anything with the stench of the Vanderburgh County thanks too Commissioners Shoulders and Musgrave?…its obvious that he has enjoyed his job at Burdette Park and seen it as a good growth path for a future rewarding career?…we know he shall find other gainful employment opportunities in another town where patronage hiring policies will take a back seat to competence and performance?

IS IT TRUE this week County Council member Joe Kiefer and the President of that body will be meeting with a member of the County Commission to discuss doing a $500,000 office renovation project on the third floor of the Civic Center? … Mr. Kiefer and the President of the County Council will be meeting with a member of the County Commission to discuss combining both county offices into one business pod? …we can’t wait to see if County Commissioner Musgrave will be able to convince members of the County Council to spend around $500,000 on this questionable project?

IS IT TRUE it has been published that Evansville has 5,000 job openings that are being advertised and countless others that do not publish their openings?…that according to a recent report Evansville also has 7,000 able bodied adults who are counted among the “official” unemployment numbers? …in a smart and motivated world it should be easy to pair the unemployed with the openings and solve the problems of talent and unemployment? …the reality is that we do not live in a smart and motivated world and for a number of reasons very few of these 5,000 plus jobs will be available to the 7,000 plus unemployed people?…the reason is that either the majority of these people are not trained or prepared to do these jobs, some won’t pass drug tests, and others can’t seem to get to work on time, work a full day because of personal problems day or their references are not of any use?…this is typical in the United States in all but a few leading edge places and even there the obsolete class of human beings is too large for comfort?

IS IT TRUE it has also been published that 20% of high school freshmen in Evansville will not graduate from high school?…that is actually a big improvement over the 33% drop out rate from 7 years ago so the EVSC deserves congratulations for the improvement if the 20% number is indeed true?…when compared to Indianapolis where a few years ago the fail to graduate high school rate was 70% with nearby Cleveland at the bottom of the barrel at 76% drop outs Evansville looks pretty good?…being better than school systems in urban wastelands is no badge of honor?…there are serious consequences for places that fail to prepare a workforce and one of those is the blunting of economic growth?…it is a very rare occasion when a major employer will locate a business where the available workforce is inept, undisciplined, and unhealthy?…that goes for Evansville and a bunch of other places?

IS IT TRUE recruiting or growing businesses to any place lacking a competent available workforce is darn near impossible?…there is no incentive large enough to attract a business to a location that has a minuscule probability for financial success?  …when one adds a billion dollar sewer fiasco, another billion dollars in water pipes, sidewalks, high property taxes and roads to the liabilities of a region, a recruiters job can turn into a “bring me the broomstick of the witch of the west” task?

IS IT TRUE that we have been pondering the fact that the labor participation rate in Iceland is 84% vs. 63% in the USA and considering what increasing our labor participation rate would do for the federal budget?…the federal government took in $3 Trillion in 2016 but spent $3.54 Trillion leaving a $540 Billion deficit that needed to be borrowed?…3.54/3.00 = 1.18 so if collections have been up by 18% the budget would have been balanced?…if one multiplies that 1.18 by our labor participation rate to see what it would take to increase participation by 18% meaning that 74.4% is the balancing number?…If we could have found a way to get an additional 11.4% of our capable workers off the couch and into a job our budget would have been balanced in 2016?… if we could get to Icelandic labor participation levels we would have had just over a $500B surplus?…This is just arithmetic so most of us who learned the materials presented in the 3rd grade know all the math that is needed to figure out that we need 11.4% more workers to balance the budget of the United States?…Everything above that is surplus which makes us wonder if our recent leaders even think about things at a 5th grade level?

FOOTNOTES: Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Are you happy with the the way County Commissioners Musgrave and Shoulders terminate the employment of the Director of Burdette Park?

We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.

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City County Observer has been serving our community for 18 years.


  1. “IS IT TRUE that Jacob Murphy, the millennial professional who was wrongful dismissed from his Directorship role at Burdette Park may be looking elsewhere for gainful employment? … its only natural for him to be jaded on anything with the stench of the Vanderburgh County thanks too Commissioners Shoulders and Musgrave?” (CCO)

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    The ESTABLISHMENT reared its ugly and greedy head again, and as usual, everyone else suffers. I live for the day day when this local cabal is destroyed and Evansville is allowed to achieve her full potential.

  2. “IS IT TRUE recruiting or growing businesses to any place lacking a competent available workforce is darn near impossible?…there is no incentive large enough to attract a business to a location that has a minuscule probability for financial success? …when one adds a billion dollar sewer fiasco, another billion dollars in water pipes, sidewalks, high property taxes and roads to the liabilities of a region, a recruiters job can turn into a “bring me the broomstick of the witch of the west” task?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    It is no accident that the current city controller wants to commingle the Water&Sewer Dept. funds with the General Fund revenue, which by the way the Indiana SBOA has dinged the city of Evansville for doing for more years than I can remember. Water&Sewer is where the money is! The only city department that has large volumes of cash pouring in every month from ratepayers. It is where the wicked witch of the west hangs out and can look into her crystal ball and see who is conspiring to upset her apple cart. Would you like another bright and shiny new building for your downtown my pretty?

    • Press, you’d never find that published by the left wing editorial board of the Courier & Pravda!

  3. About back room deals : So disappointed in musgrave and shoulders.
    About under the table bad deals: No surprise
    the city has to rob the water/sewer dept coffers to pay bills- money that should go to keep water/sewer rates down . Hello Evansville!

  4. Me thinks some folks tied in at CCO are really one sided against the Burdett Park thing and don’t really want to show both sides as the press has done a great job of showing that’s ok fake news is not that uncommon these days and Press you have lost a believer in this new side of you I am reading…

    • That will be the day, when the Evansville Junior Tribune ever prints a discouraging word about a member of the local establishment. Even their sophomoric scribbler McLeod knows those people and their dealings are off limits. Hell, they make up the Board at his real gig.

  5. Businesses in Evansville are well known for wanting to pay HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT WADGES for PHD TALENT!

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