IAC’s Arts Education Research Shows Student Achievement Impacted Positively through Arts


The IAC’s PACE program research report is due out later this week and shows promising results for elementary students who experience three years of continuous arts integration programming.

Lead researcher Dr. F. Robert Sabol of Purdue University states, “The PACE program has provided glimpses of what a focused quality education in the arts could provide for learners over time. It also includes illustrations of the benefits collaborations between teaching artists and arts educators can produce in student learning in the arts. Findings from the three-year study of the impact the PACE program is having on students’ learning demonstrated clear growth and a positive impact on the overall development of the arts education and attitudes of young people involved in the program.”

Report highlights include:

  1. Students’ writing scores rose by 22% during the three-year study period.
  2. Students’ arts skills improved the most with an increase of 29%.
  3. Students’ attitudes regarding their engagement in the classroom, self-esteem or confidence, and communications or interactions with others rose by 14%