Dr. Bucshon Votes to Protect Hunting, Fishing Rights




(Washington, DC) – On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3590, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act, a bill to protect the traditional right of Americans to hunt and fish.

Rep. Bucshon (IN-08) released the following statement regarding the passage of H.R. 3590:


“Today, we protected the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens on federal lands and their use of traditional ammunition and tackle.  We also reaffirmed the right of Hoosiers to use public lands for hunting, fishing, and shooting in compliance with existing laws by removing unnecessary federal roadblocks. These activities are important pastimes for many families, help educate young people about safety and responsibility, and contribute to our local economies. I’m happy the House passed H.R. 3095 to address many of the pressing concerns of Hoosier sportsmen and women and reinforce our nation’s commitment to our heritage.”




H.R. 3590 is a bipartisan package of eight individual bills and will remove government roadblocks to hunting and fishing on certain public lands and guard against new regulations that threaten to block or limit access to these activities.

The bill (courtesy the Committee on Natural Resources):

Supports Access for Hunting and Fishing on Public Lands

  • Reaffirms that fishing, hunting, and shooting are important and traditional activities that should continue on public lands.
  • Requires federal land managers to support and facilitate use and access for hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting on Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land.
  • Protects sportsmen from arbitrary efforts by the federal government to block public lands from hunting and fishing activities by implementing an “open until closed” management policy. However, it does not prioritize hunting and fishing over other multiple uses of public lands.
  • Keeps Forest Service and BLM land open for hunting and fishing but allows the agencies to close sections when such closure is justified for reasons of national security, public safety, or to comply with federal and state laws or regulations. It does not require that hunting be allowed in National Parks nor does it create new exemptions to the Wilderness Act.
  • Establishes a Wildlife and Hunting Heritage Conservation Council Advisory Committee.
  • Allows sportsmen across the country to more easily obtain a federal duck stamp by making them available for purchase online.

Supports Recreational Shooting and Protects 2nd Amendment Rights

  • Adjusts funding limitations to make more funds available to states, for a longer period of time, for the creation and maintenance of shooting ranges.
  • Protects law-abiding individuals’ constitutional right to bear arms on lands owned by the Army Corps of Engineers. Congress has passed legislation allowing citizens to exercise this right on National Park and National Wild Service lands, but did not address lands owned by the Army Corps.

Protects the Use of Traditional Ammunition and Fish Tackle

  • Although Congress long ago barred the EPA from banning certain types of ammunition, activist environmental groups are currently seeking an end run-around that law by petitioning the EPA to ban the use of lead in hunting and fishing components.
  • A ban on lead bullets and tackle would increase costs for hunters, sports shooters, and fisherman; destroy jobs; and cause economic harm to the outdoor sportsmen and recreation industry.
  • The bill protects the use of traditional ammunition and fishing tackle by reiterating and clarifying existing law to clearly limit EPA’s authority under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). It amends the TSCA to allow for the sale of traditional ammunition and fishing tackle that is subject to federal excise tax.

Eliminates Government Red Tape for the Importation of Specific, Legal Hunting Trophies


    • You did read the last part of the article, yes? You know the part about Congress barring the EPA from banning the use of lead based ammunition? The EPA is an agency and therefore has zero standing at establishing any type of law, only Congress can do that. Much of what the EPA has done is unconstitutional.

  1. Seriously Bucshun The 2nd amendment is not about hunting rights. You’re playing into a sly way for the “I’m afraid of scary guns” lobby to take away our 2nd amendment rights.

    • Hehe. In case the good Doctor hasn’t read the 2nd Amendment I’ll paste here for his pleasure reading time;

      “Amendment II

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

      I’ll also point out to the good Doctor to take note of the commas. Sorry Doctor I don’t see anything about hunting so stop making false claims.

      Now don’t misconstrue my position on this bill. I think it is a good one, especially the part about barring the EPA and their gestapo ways of establishing unconstitutional laws/policies/etc.

      • Heh,

        Hunting fishing,as a avid Waterfowler,and lifetime DU member,and also a Fly fisherman who promotes that sport and its natural ways of applied conservation due,of sport fishing and replenishment of Americas once pristine waters.
        I think some of you are just plain straight up full of the crap you drink from your water source. Native American meaning of The name “Ohio river….clear waters…..

        Maybe, with a good personal injury firm you might recover that on your own bud,however the EPA is in place as a preventative measure,in order that our future generations might have an environment this country can produce by itself,if given a “half life” chance.

        breaking news. http://www.nbcnews.com//news/us-news/82,000-tons-coal-ash-spill-power-plant-n-c-n23401

        And lingering still..


        Really,had to close the school where they had a line break,go ahead slam the EPA,good grief?

        Exactly why a balanced and sustainable environment is primary,to moving forward for economic recovery.

        “no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousness that created it.” (Albert Einstein)

        • http://www.msn.com /us/feds/-reaffirm-wva-water-safe-for-all

          Probably water flushed from lines after a low pressure incident,such as a line break. Could actually be also in a heating systems sealed pipes make-up water,and if that is purged through a condensate trap,as,PM procedures should require, viola,steam and contaminated hot water in the schools environmental spaces that lingered form the chemical spill to intake sourcing.

        • One other thing,on the situation as to the natural waterways around your region. Hunting fishing, and the “main uses” today The retention area in the news today in North Carolina and Virginia that failed,did so due a stormwater management structure on site there,pretty much trashed the Dan river watershed,in ways they’ll just have to study and control forward now,the damage is done.
          Now “the evansville metro”,if you take your Google map feature or the local GIS for your region you will observe the same type storage areas right next to the Ohio river,upstream,downstream. The regulatory balance is applied there and managed,as well.
          However those are “bracketing” your towns water intakes.

          Another, on site cost involved for those industries through active environmental balances, air,and water. So.

          Clean water source management is a huge increment moving forward for active sustainability per your environmental water sources.

          In my plan,the work towards less costing per the source balance,is the primary economic driver for the sustainabilities*, built into the plan.

          Provides cleaner,better incremental sourcing,less overall cost per each environmental balance per resource, throughout the range of applications. Balanced,with sustainability.*
          We can use America’s coal energy,more cost effectively,carbon sequestration,is,exactly that. More incremental natural resource pathways evolved through,more balanced applications.*

          “the faster you go the shorter you are” (Albert Einstein)

          • There you go again with gibberish. The conditions that caused the release at Dan River are not at all similar to those at our local utilities.

          • Hey,pocket’o. bath your grand kids in it.

            Weak response you have there, meets expectations the science says your wrong,shorty……hurts don’t it?

    • Off topic but did you get to meet LKB in person enoch?

      I thought I heard something about it on national news.

      • Despite the rumors you may have heard, LKB and I are not responsible for the drop in the DOW. But then, we have not knowingly met outside the cyber universe. If the sun darkens and the moon turns to blood, it has become so.

        • Sorry to take so long to get back with you but I had to read Visitor’s 3 comments first to make sure the thermodynamics of H2O relativity weren’t acting up and I’m a slow reader.

          So the answer is no.

          Which makes for a slow news day.


  2. Bucshon is an embarrassment to Indiana.

    These folks are transparently fearful of the hyenas in their party and the NRA. It doesn’t bother them a bit to offer bills that underscore just how ridiculous and unresponsive to the people the political process has become. School shootings have become the norm but this is about hunting and fishing rights. Right? Huh?

    Assuming there is an operating room that’ll still have Larry, send him to it in November.

    • Agree, congress needs to outlaw those school shootings, and we should be allowed to marry our guns.

      • Write that thing up,E, maybe one could marry into fortune,Remington,Browning,etc…………….

        That way the boneheads of the beltway could write and finally pass a law that helps a spouse control the significant others surplus, rounds, spending, sprees.

        • HJR 0004 “Marriage will be defined as one man and one rifle, shoot gun, pistol, fishing boat, and Harley Davidson motorcycle. No semblance of a woman or sissy boy marrying or touching what belongs to a real man will be recognized as a legitimate marriage within the state of Indiana”

          I don’t know if the part be will fly with the those bleeding heart moderates.

  3. so mostly it just reconfirms existing law. And they call this a day’s work in Congress. Well, I guess technically he can put passed H.R. 3590 under his watch even tho it’s utter BS.

    I like this little gem they slipped in best:
    “Adjusts funding limitations to make more funds available to states, for a longer period of time, for the creation and maintenance of shooting ranges.”

    I wonder which private business crony is going to get THAT government “contract” where they pass that public money straight into private enterprise. I’m sure the usual suspects are already lined up at that trough.

    • The answer to the pork barrel, I mean funding adjustment limitations is look to at the first company or person to get such funds. There is zero reasons why shooting ranges need taxpayer money. Crony capitalism, we’ve been down that road before. No Mr. Bucshon you have done us a disservice and so did the Democrats allowing the pork barrel.

  4. Bucshon is very sad. If this is what he is pleased to call an accomplishment in our Federal legislature, we are all in more trouble than we know. What is even more interesting is that all of his “town hall” meetings are at times that many people cannot attend and on top of that, people are thrown out at some of these meetings for expressing opinions that differ from Mr. Bucshon’s. Classic chicken sh#t. My sincere hope is that he vanishes from political life very soon.

    • It would be interesting if you have some form of documentation he does throw out people for expressing differing opinions, assuming the toss-ees were differing in a civil manner.

      • I do not know what you want to serve as documentation but I personally know someone to whom this happened and know them well enough to believe that they are telling the truth. I would not mind attending a town hall meeting at some point but have yet to learn of one that I can get to. Perhaps a personal meeting with Buschon would serve to change my mind about him or conversely solidify my dislike. I would be open to listen and would not hesitate to speak my piece while there.

  5. Bucshon is even more pathetic than I had him pegged at. This man constantly reminds the rest of the country why no one takes this area seriously. I’ll be glad when he’s out of office.

    • I doubt he’ll be out of office this time but if anyone wants to challenge me on why he should stay, I’m available for 1 more hour.

      Have at it Ollie

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