Dig into reading at your library this summer



May 9, 2013 – Evansville, IN – The Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library invites you to Dig into Reading: Uncover the History of the Library during this year’s Summer Reading Program. Participants of all ages have the chance to read for chances to win prizes.

The program kicks off Sunday, May 19 at Central Library from 1-4 pm. The first individuals in each age category to pick up their reading log that day will receive a giveaway (while supplies last). For those who can’t attend the kickoff event, get started by visiting any EVPL location beginning May 20 to pick up your reading log. The program ends July 29.

Kids can read to win books, toys, and tickets to area attractions. Prizes for teens include cash and gift cards. Adults have the chance to win a Kindle Fire, cash, and gift cards.

In 2012, more than 7,600 kids, 900 teens, and 4,100 adults participated in the EVPL’s Summer Reading Program.

Thank you to this year’s Summer Reading sponsors: Public Library Friends; Berry Plastics Corporation; Evansville Courier & Press; Old National Bank Foundation; Peckenpaugh’s Garden Center; Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana; Tucker Publishing; YALSA/Dollar General Literacy Foundation.