Daily Off Topic Forum September 3, 2015



  1. We are the city that practices throwing millions of dollars out the window on a monthly basis
    and the politico friends are the ones standing on the other side of the window

  2. The Republican Party continues to rain artillery on the Trump campaign and his supporters.
    “He has got to go, we are not talking about the big business party, the GOP, instead all we’re talking about is Donald Trump. He has got to go.”
    This is from yesterday’s National Press Club featuring a speech from Republican S.C. Governor, Nikki Haley, the unabashed leader of the “take down the insulting confederate flag movement – a symbol of racism”:
    “Every time someone criticizes Donald Trump, he goes and makes a personal attack back,” Haley said when asked about Trump during an appearance at the National Press Club. “That’s not who we are as Republicans. That’s not what we do. This is not how the GOP governs.”
    “Americans,” Haley said, “want to know they’re sending someone up to the White House that’s going to be calm and cool-tempered and not get mad at someone just because they criticize him. We would really have a world war if that happens.”
    She also had advice for Trump on his harsh immigration stance, which includes ending birthright citizenship and building a wall along the Mexican border: “Republicans need to remember that the fabric of America came from immigrants,” she said. “If you want to talk about tackling illegal immigration, then let’s talk about it, let’s solve some problems.”

  3. The Truth of a “Dirty Deal”

    Where as a Treaty with Iran would require a–2/3 majority,– to be approved by the United States Legislative body,–The Congress– in accordance with the Constitution.
    This “Dirty Deal” although opposed by a Majority of the Citizens, and a Majority of their Representatives in Congress, is going to be implemented in spite of that by—Obama’s “WILL”,– that “WILL” only needing for Obama to Have his Veto of a bill to stop his “Dirty Deal”,– “Sustained” by–1/3 of Congress– to be put in place by their backing of his Veto.

    34 Democrats –1/3 of all the Senators in the Congress, have thus far pledged to the “Emperor” to–“Make it So”.
    The Democrat’s in their Finest Hour of Good Government–of, by, and for,– the American People?

    • Elections have consequences Crash.
      If it was important to you, you should have won.
      So, you get to gripe on the losers bench.

      • Yes,– unfortunately we all are on the losers bench, your just too blind to realize that Obama is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing,—-now go kiss his ring with more of your drivel about who won.
        It wasn’t America!

      • –with $100 Billion soon to be in their hands to finance Terrorism,–Iran was the apparent Winner.

    • “I love Donald Trump. Love him! We need more Donald Trump!!”
      I’ve got a fever! And the prescription is more Donald Trump!
      (I think Trump is managing Reince Preibus and the Republican Party. Not the other way around.)

  4. JAIL for the criminal county clerk in Kentucky!
    Q: You know what the criminal county clerk and Rush Limbaugh have in common?
    A: Both have been married four times.

    I think both might be drug addicts as well. They claim to know what is right about the American family and marriage law though….

      • Where does this come from? Who’s angry! I laugh at your posts BP!! And the smug little clerk in Kentucky has been shown the jail cell cause that’s where criminals, who fail to enforce or abide by the law….GO.
        If voting for Jeb Bush makes me a liberal, and you voting for Donald Trump makes you a conservative….THEN THINGS ARE MESSED UP. You are truly lost in the swamp. Trump is for single-payer health care!! WHO is the liberal now?
        Al Sharpie reminds me of Allen West. There is something about the guy that AIN’T RIGHT. It’s something odd, curious and unstable. No WAY this guy should be serving in public service. No way.

    • lolllllllllll………don pecker is without a doubt a little Nut…………….

  5. Speaking of JAIL—Hillery won’t have access to her server from the Gray Bar Hotel that has a reserved room for her,– for compromising the Security and Classified information that would aid and abet the Enemies of the United States of America –by willfully ignoring the Laws she swore to uphold. Just another “Good” Democrat that doesn’t give a Damn about America, like the gang of 34 backing the Emperor and Iran.
    Go Trump!

    • The damage hillary has done to the national security has to be massive. Why has she not yet been indicted? Is owebama protection her? I think she said she wasn’t going down without taking owebama with her.
      She must not become President.

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