Daily Off Topic Forum July 20, 2015



  1. Editor: Why was Jason Stanford’s editorial appearing July 19 taken down so abrubtly? Are you protrecting him from further embarrassment?

    • Balloonpilot

      I don’t know what your talking about.

      Please give up date and title of Editorial.


  2. So what’s the phony conservative outrage of the day?

    Did Obama put the wrong kind of mustard on his hot dog?

    Did he sign a bill with his left hand instead of his right hand?

    Did his motorcade in NYC pass a mosque instead of a church?
    (I can see the headline now Obama insults christians passes mosque on the way out of NYC)

    Did he leave his flag pin at home?

    I mean these are vital issues that we need to discuss.
    In other news House Republicans took time from their busy schedule of naming post offices after Ronald Reagan and repealing Obamacare for the umpteenth time to file a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant. No that is not an Onion headline, that bill has over a ONE HUNDRED SPONSORS.

    All I can say is wow jut wow. Creepy, depraved, controlling pricks. Straight from Iran or Saudi Arabia.

    There is no war on women though!
    Of course conservative all over the country and on this board are rushing to defend the Confederate flag

    You know because is represents southern heritage! Like willful ignorance, and slavery, intolerance and segregation, racism, and in your face white privilege, everything conservatives lover about their country… the confederate states of America!

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