COVID-19 Weekly Update for Monday, March 23


As we enter this second week of moving to a virtual environment, I want to provide you with some updates that are important for all of us-students, faculty and staff. I realize this shift has been sudden and is challenging for all of us. But I want you to know that I, and many others across this University, are doing all we can to help make this transition as smooth as possible.

First, as new information and resources become available, we’ll share those in a new section of our website titled Weekly Updates. Please take a few minutes to visit this page. You will also receive an email each week when information has been updated. I am also working on new ways to keep in touch with all of you, including video messages, and hope to begin those as early as this week.

The level of support I’ve seen and the stories I’m hearing about our campus community coming together to support each other in this time of need are truly uplifting.

Stay safe, stay calm and continue to care for each other. Together we will get through this.