Home Breaking News Local PAC Of Educators Endorses Ann Ennis In HD 64 Race

Local PAC Of Educators Endorses Ann Ennis In HD 64 Race


Local PAC Of Educators Endorses Ann Ennis In HD 64 Race

A political action committee (PAC) of local educators representing Gibson, Pike, Posey and Vanderburgh counties just announced that have endorsed Ann Ennis in her campaign for Indiana House of Representatives. Ennis is a Republican challenger in House District 64.

PAC chair DeLyn Beard and her board explained that educators felt Ennis was the best fit to represent the interests of public schools in the area.

“Educators from around the district invited all candidates to be interviewed and Ann Ennis impressed us all,” said Beard. “Her passion for and commitment to public education was evident and local educators are very pleased to announce Ann as our recommended candidate for House District 64.”

The PAC is a subcommittee of the Indiana Political Action Committee for Education, the political action arm of the Indiana State Teachers Association.


  1. I think we all knew she was the ISTA candidate. No one worked harder than her to spend $150. million plus another $100. million in interest on those bonds, for a total of $250. million of your money for Superintendent Vince Bertram’s bricks and mortar public schools initiative.

    If academic excellence at EVSC was directly related to the amount of dollars they spend on construction projects then we would have best school corporation in the state. Their transportation budget is also way out of whack and needs to be brought back into line.

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