BREAKING NEWS: Ann Ennis Seeks Republican Dist. 64 Nomination


BREAKING NEWS: Ann Ennis Seeks Republican Dist. 64 Nomination

Education and SW Indiana advocate Ann M. Ennis filed as a Republican candidate for State Representative in District 64 today. Ennis is running to bring back local control for K-12 education, to support the region’s fight against meth and heroin, and to secure services and fair- share-funding for SW Indiana infrastructure.

“We must stop big government overreach and the chaotic micromanagement by up-state legislators in our schools,” Ennis said. “No public, private or parochial school parent wants constant and constantly changing standardized tests. No one wants to be ‘taught to’ these tests. The obsession with data collection has gone too far. Families want their children to learn.”

Ennis also will address substance abuse, child welfare, jobs, funding local infrastructure repairs and family liberty in her campaign.

“We are smarter than our leadership in the General Assembly has been of late. It is time to assert local leadership for District 64,” Ennis said.

Appearances for discussion of K-12 education policy are set for Owensville Public Library, February 9 at 6 pm; Ft. Branch Public Library, February 11 at 3:30 pm; and Evansville’s North Park Public Library, February 16 at 3:30 pm. She will drive a whistle stop tour through Owensville, Haubstadt, Fort Branch, Princeton, Oakland City and Mackey Friday, February 5, with stops a various dining and business locations.


  1. It is Tom Washburns district, up to Vincennes, Petersburgh, Oakland City, Poseyville, west to state line, and some northern fringes of Vanderburgh County, including Inglefield.

  2. I have known Ann for 40 years now, and I cannot imagine a more caring Legislator, or a person who will work harder at representing our area in the State Legislature. Ann will make a phenomenal Legislator, and she will make all of us proud to have her in office.

    Ann, you can be assured of me and my family supporting you

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