For almost a year well respected and successful businessman Kerry Chesser petitioned the Board of Zoning of Appeals to approve his re-zoning requests concerning a Restaurant-Bar on West Franklin street.

At the last meeting his request ended with a 3 to 3 tie with one member absent.  Because of the tie vote he’s forced to wait another month to see if his re-zoning request will be approved by Board of Zoning of Appeals. This delay will cost him additional legal expenses.

Mr. Chesser originally requested that the Board of Zoning Appeals approve his plans to renovate his 11,000 square foot building into an upscale Restaurant-Bar on West Franklin street.  Because his on-site parking plans doesn’t meet current zoning parking requirements he is now forced  to tear down a section of the building in order to comply with the City’s parking requirements.  Instead of having a 11,000 square foot building to house his proposed Restaurant-Bar will now be 5,000 square feet.

Because of legal opposition from a future competitor, Mr Chesser was forced to draw up new plans for a 5,000-square-foot Restaurant-Bar.  The amended plans will now have the seating capacity for 235 people.  It will have 76 parking spaces and with an side agreement with adjoining property owner  to share 17 parking spaces.  Its important to point out that the amended plans will provide a greater percentage of parking spaces than most other West Franklin street businesses.

We recall several years back that City Council approved West Franklin street as an “ENTERTAINMENT ZONE.”  Also owners of other Restaurant-Bars on West Franklin street supports Mr. Chesser’s new parking request.   Another good reason why the Zoning  Appeals Board should give approval to Mr. Chesser’s request is that the Lamasco Neighborhood Association “endorsed” Mr. Chesser’s petition for parking at his new Restaurant-Bar.

Bottom line, Kerry Chesser is a respected businessman that has contributed many hundreds of thousands of dollars to those in need in our community for many years.  His proposed Restaurant-Bars will be an assist to the West Franklin street area.  It is our opinion that the Board of Zoning Appeals should approve without delay Mr. Chessers plans to locate an upscale Restaurant-Bars on West Franklin street!

The next Board of Zoning Appeals meeting is on Nov. 17 at the Civic Center.

EDITORS FOOTNOTE:  Some Information in this Editorial came from an article that appeared in the Evansville Courier & Press on-line publication. The article concerning this meeting was written by John Martin of the Courier & Press.



  1. “Because of legal opposition from a future competitor, Mr Chesser was forced to draw up new plans for a 5,000-square-foot Restaurant-Bar. ”

    Care to name names of the future competitor?

  2. I think they msant a present competitor, Pistons. I don’t understand that before you spent the money to buy the building you wouldn’t research what kind of variances you need and what your chances are of obtaining them would be.

    • Pistons, Sportsman’s, Gerst House, Hagedorn’s, Smitty’s.
      But primarily Piston’s and it’s owner (and owner of “Evansville’s Premier Gentleman’s Club”, the former Score) – douchebag English.

  3. Well I support k.c and all his endeavors he represents all what America is. Someone who has had nothing and made himself a very successful business man and if anyone and we all know who that is goes up against him well they just don’t respect what the American dream is all about and this is coming from a disabled veteran. He has worked so hard to accomplish his dreams without doing it illegally I am very proud to call him a friend and respect him totally

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