“IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Thursday or Friday.

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  1. From Wall St Journal this morning:
    “As the traditional Labor Day kickoff of the fall presidential race approaches, Republican Donald Trump faces an ever increasingly narrow path to the White House. A Trump vic­tory over De­mo­c­ra­tic ri­val Hillary Clin­ton likely would re­quire a sweep of a set of bat­tle-ground states where he is com­pet­itive, but trail­ing — Ohio, Flor­ida, Penn­syl­va­nia and North Car­olina—and both cam­paigns de­scribe them as the heart of the race. 

    But Mrs. Clin­ton, by con­trast, could win with just one of them.”
    State of the election from a REAL news source, not Press and Joe Bidens total BS links. You guys are a joke. And that’s why you are losing.

  2. “It just be­comes very hard and dif­fi­cult to un­der­stand how the Trump cam­paign gets to 270” Elec­toral Col­lege votes needed to win,” said Russ Schriefer, a strate­gist for Re­pub­li­can Mitt Rom­ney’s 2012 cam­paign.”

    FYI: Email/Foundation stuff? It’s on Page 4.

  3. Stinky is backing off his tough guy immigration stand. It is what he launched his hilarious run for the presidency on. He thinks nothing of leaving his disciples out there — hanging on a limb that is fracturing on their gullible asses. He has made fools out of people who were previously accorded some respect. They have gone all in for someone who cared not one whit for them and got about what they deserved. These days you just can’t sign on to a mutant package of unbridled poly-racism without some downside. You just can’t. They have been had by a conman. Ho ho ho.

  4. Yesterday I attempted to post a comment about the condition of the East side Show mes after the information in IS IT TRUE about good things going on there but it was for some reason not added to the message board. Makes me wonder is the story about the employees actually going there and seeing positive changes happening was complete bs and the dropped in lines a favor to the owners. My comment that wasn’ posted was that the changes must be on the West side building because the East Show Me’s is still the same (I actually called it a dump). What gives???

    • I saw your comment too. So it was posted and accepted until at least I started reading/posting. You can see when I posted yesterday if my post is still there today. So that will give you an idea as to when your post was up on the board. Maybe it was taken down after I read it and after other’s read it. But it was definitely there. I think I posted under your post about Show me too. I never have been in Show me’s. And it’s pretty empty on the West Side in the Summer time in the afternoons when I go by there. I’m not out there much after dark so it could be much more busy after the college gets go out at night.

  5. He seems to think that his original backers are so ignorant that they will stay with him no matter what he says and does, so he’s giving them the wink and nod while he “softens” his approach to deportations to something more “like Obama has done.” He may be right about the bulk of his followers, but “Adam’s Apple Annie” Coulter was on TV last night fuming about the idea of softening his position on immigration. She said that her book tour might be the shortest in history if he doesn’t keep up the hardline rhetoric. She’s out touting sales of her book praising him, but maybe not for long.

    • I thought Ann the Man was smarter than to believe him. Apparently not. Adding her 90 lbs. to that limb that is cracking will only hasten the collapse, but not by much.

      Kellyanne has aged like Abe Lincoln since she answered the call of the Drumpf-dangled lucre. She looks tired and haggard, sure didn’t take long. Looks like somebody might have broken her jaw, or in some way drawn it out. She should bail before her health and credibility degenerate beyond repair.

    • He does think like that Elkaybee. Remember him saying he could shoot someone out in the street and his people would still vote for him! God I remember that well. He thinks he is a GOD and and is so full of himself. I watched him on Show one time for about ten minutes and could not stand him. He was arrogant and stupid at the same time. The guy is a fool and either doesn’t care of can’t see himself in the mirror. He’s very dangerous and could be the downfall of the USA. We have been around for over 200 years now but I swear he will kill this country just as he killed his New Jersey Casino Business. We can’t afford to have a guy like Trump in the White House. He will take us all down with his BS and arrogant attitude. He’s already done great harm to our NATO allies and we have not even voted yet. The guy is extremely dangerous to our country.

      What have we got to lose, he askes? EVERYTHING THAT WE FOUGHT FOR OVER THE LAST 200 YEARS! That’s what we have to lose. We could lose it all if he gets in the White House. It would be like pulling the plug on the bath tub. Everything we ever fought for would slip down the drain into the sewer.

      Please dear God, don’t allow Donald Trump to win this election.

  6. So the Trump boys flew across the pond to kill some animals again.

    I wonder why they can’t bag, (and have stuffed), a few ISIS bros while they’re over there. They are animals.


    Could it be it takes a lot more courage to hunt something that hunts you?

    I wonder if they would be captured by ISIS if their daddy would disavow them as losers.

    Maybe the boys can capture a couple ISIS bros while they are over there and make them the newest campaign managers.

    Rock bottom man, rock bottom….

    • I haven’t seen any new pictures of the boys with their latest kills, so either they didn’t go on a “canned hunt” and didn’t take anything or they’ve decided to keep it on the “down low.”

      • They went. They just aren’t showing any pictures because they’re trying to lock up Martha’s vote….

        • I was just questioning their hunting skills. If it wasn’t a hunt where an animal is led out into an enclosure for them to shoot, I wonder if they have the skills to find and shoot one in the wild. As for Martha, I doubt they’ll get her vote. Gary Johnson or Jill Stein may, though.

      • I haven’t known you to be right for quite a while now.

        I believe Benghazi fried your brains….

        • They never were right. Remember Watergate and the break in’s? The paid criminals that were funded with big money slush funds in Cash. Now they hire the Russians to do their dirty work for them. They have no shame. Donald is an Egomaniac And his followers are like the Nazi Brown Shirt Gangs of the 1930’s.

          I saw where Trump’s wife and Trump’s lawyers are threating to sue some newspapers for Slander or Liable. Maybe they should be suing Trump instead.

    • Hunting, I get. The enjoyment of the outdoors, the woodcraft skills involved in tracking and stalking game, the time spent with friends and family, the marksmanship required to take the animal with one clean, well-placed shot, and ultimately eating what you killed so the animal’s life isn’t wasted. I haven’t hunted for a long time, but I get it.

      I do NOT get the mentality of a person who pays big bucks to a professional tracker to lead them by the hand to a pre-selected shooting area, hands them a rifle, lures out a ‘trophy’ animal with food, then stuffs the dead animal so the ‘hunter’ can put them in a room to impress all their rich friends.

      I think Regulator hits the nail on the head, though. It takes some sack to pick up a rifle and stand on your nation’s thin red line, and likewise takes dedication to develop the skill necessary to become an actual hunter. Another example where the ultra rich can buy what they never developed on their own?

      • DeltaBravo is so right. Canned hunting is not hunting by most hunter’s ethical standards. Remember it was hunter’s who help form the US Fish and Wildlife Agency and started the conservation movement. Hunters wanted to ensure that they still had game to hunt after they figured out how easy it was to wipe out certain species. Most people that I know that are wildlife biologist are also hunters and like to shoot guns. The director of the Indiana IDNR Fish and Wildlife Agency is one such person. He’s a real hunter. His agency is being forced by big money power brokers though the legislature and courts to do something that is not wanted by most hunters.

        The thrill of the hunt includes more than just shooting the animal. It’s the joy of getting into the outdoors and the thrill of stalking and avoiding the extremely keen senses of the prey that we hunt. Hunting predators is the ultimate hunt IMHO. Guys like Jim Courbet who went out into the wilds of Africa and India and hunted man eating lions, tigers and leopards are the ultima hunters. Hunting predators is dangerous business and it takes a man of great skills and nerves of steal to hunt a wild man eating tiger.

        People who hunt deer in fenced in areas are skipping have the hunting experience. The hunt includes surveying and scouting the land to figure out where the game hangs out. Their habitat has to be just right before large numbers of animals can survive in the area. Leaning the ways of the deer or the coyote is part of the hunt. Even the choice of weapons and ammo is part of the hunt. There are so many choices to pick from. Getting the right gear is also part of the hunt. And hunters pay a fee when they purchase their hunting license. This money goes into a fund that is used along with federal monies to help buy places like Bluegrass Fish and Wildlife Area or Glendale Fish and Wildlife Area. These state funds obtained by hunters and fishermen buying license is matched by federal funds. So the more hunters buying license the more money we get back from the Federal Government. The Pittman Robertson act and the Dingle Johnson Act are effective tools in helping to manage our native wildlife.

        People that bait wildlife are hunting illegally in most States and instances. Only when they are hunting vermin such as Wild Hogs that are doing property damage to farmers fields are hunters allowed to use bait to bring in the game. It’s totally illegal to hunt a baited area for any other game species for the most part.

        The number of hunters is down mainly do to the lack of hunting areas these days. More and more land is being bought and used for development. Take the land where AMAX coal use to mine out just North of Heim Rd. That area was about 10,000 acers in size and was sold to a developer with only a small porting approx. 2500 acres going to the State IDNR. The hunters only got 2500 acres of that land to hunt on. And there are way too many hunters for that small plot of land to use effectively. And then the area is surrounded by homes on the SE and East Sides. And the area is sliced up by public roadways as well. One can’t legally shoot across a public roadway or from a public roadway or across a body of water. There are 26 different strip mined pits with surface water out there. So the areas one can shoot are very limited. It’s a real shame that the State IDNR could not have bought the entire 10,000 acres from AMAX before the developer got in there to buy all that land up.

        This area is used by not only hunters and fishermen who actually paid for this land though their license fees but many others use this land for recreation. People ride their bikes out there. Both the motorized and the non motorized types. And people walk out there and use the area for photography or wildlife watching. People take their dogs out there and let them swim in the water next to the concrete boat launch ramps. All kinds of people fish out there and go boat riding or kayaking. Evansville Canoe uses Bluegrass to help acquaint city people with the great outdoors. They also use Hovey’s Lake and other places for their outdoor events.

        I grew up in a country setting where it was acceptable to shoot a shotgun out in the back yards. The country side was wide open with nothing but corn fields behind the houses and behind the corn field was a large wooded area where squirrel hunting was acceptable. Even the area to the South of USI was open for hunting 40 years ago. I use to ride my trail bike back in those woods that are not trails for the USI students and hiking trails for the pubic as well. All that area used to be my old hunting grounds. But development has taken all that away for the most part. One has to go further from the city to find land open enough to safely hunt. Bad hunters, those that don’t take care of the land and damage farmers property have left a sour taste in the property owner’s mouths. So the next guy who asks for permission to hunt that farmers land gets refused. The previous guy left trash on the land and damaged the farmers fences or left the gate open and let the cows out of the pasture. Hunting these days is a whole lot more than just paying a guide to take you to a bait station and let you shoot the first animal that shows up to feed. One of my friends/neighbors that I grew up with as a kid use to love to hunt. His boy is grown up now with kids of his own and they area all taught to hunt. His boy is a wildlife Biologist now and graduate of Purdue University. My former neighbor used to tell me that he would not shoot any thing unless he was going to eat it. He hunted for food. He passed away this past month and I will miss him. I learned to hunt by hunting with him and his brothers and his father. The same with the other kids in the neighborhood. They all were taught how to hunt squirrels, rabbits and quail by their father. Hunting and fishing was a neighborhood tradition out on the far West Side where I grew up. But the open land has been filled up with new homes and the areas we use to hunt are not closed off to hunting.

        I’ve been inside THE GAME ROOM of one of the richest hunters in this area and I’ve seen the stuff animals hanging off the walls and standing around on the floor. It’s very impressive to see. The game room alone is larger than my house probably. I remember seeing stuff bears that had been shot and stuffed by an excellent taxidermist. I saw elephants that were hanging on the walls. Lions and zebras and many other ungulates that roam the plains of Africa. I’m not sure how all these animals were collected. Hopefully it was though ethical means.


      Monday, August 22, 2016

      by David Keene

      [The Clinton Foundation has from the beginning appeared to be just what the Sunlight Foundation — a “progressive” foundation promoting nonprofit transparency — described it as some years ago: “a slush fund.” Its mission has not been to vanquish disease and poverty as Hillary and Bill have claimed, but to allow the Clintons to keep their political army housed, clothed and fed as they prepared for Hillary’s presidential campaign.

      Last year, Charity Navigator, a nonprofit watchdog that rates charities, put the Clinton Foundation on its “watch list” as a warning to potential contributors because so much Clinton Foundation money was going to salaries, overhead and luxury travel rather than to fulfilling its stated mission.

      To finance all this, the Clintons sought and accepted huge contributions from foreign interests wishing to influence U.S. policy. After all, a former president and a sitting secretary of State are in a better position to deliver than your average influence peddler. The aforementioned Mr. Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks and answered straightforwardly that he did so because “that’s where the money is.” The Clintons milked foreign interests for precisely the same reason and had to know that doing so would, when revealed, look smarmy at best and would raise questions about what these folks got for their money.]

        • Nothing but insinuations and innuendos. They are throwing everything that they can at the Clintons and seeing if anything will stick. But since the Clinton Foundation is collecting money to help the poor the fact that people donate money to that foundation is a GOOD THING to most people. Only a bad preson would think that the Clinton Foundation is a bad thing.

          Hillary still needs to counter each and every accusation that they throw at her. She can’t let them paint her picture for her. No Don’t do what Senator Kerry Did and turn the other Cheek. These guys will continue to hit you not matter what cheek you turn towards them. You have to be more like James Carvill and hit back with forces and vigor and common sense.

          It’s stupid to criticize Hillary for the death of Vince Foster or for the deaths of the people at the Benghazi consulate. Those deaths were not her fault by any means what so ever. She did not kill Foster nor did she command the US Military who’s responsibility is to protect our diplomats. Hillary was a State Department Employee not a Marine or the secretary of defense. Go get real people.

          That’s just some of the stupid accusations that the right throws at Hillary. She has been attacked by the far right ever since she was in Arkansas as the wife of the Governor back then and she knows hot to take a blow and fight back.

      • Charity Navigator says it has “determined that this charity’s atypical business model cannot be accurately captured in our current rating methodology. Our removal of The Clinton Foundation from our site is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement of this charity. We reserve the right to reinstate a rating for The Clinton Foundation as soon as we identify a rating methodology that appropriately captures its business model.”

        A little more accurate account….

  7. Trumps path to 270 has not changed a bit but the probability of getting there has decreased. The decrease came as a direct result of his taking the bait and getting into a spat with a Muslim family after the Democrat convention. The path for Trump is and has always been to secure North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, plus some combination of other states to get him there. It could be Pennsylvania alone, Iowa + NV + NM, or Michigan + one other small state. The odds are longer than they were a month ago.

    Trump has done himself no favors, but every time he digs a hole more corrupt things about Hillary are discovered keeping it close. It is a race to the bottom like no other. One thing I really believe is that a majority of Americans will have a healthy level of dislike and disrespect for the next president.

    We are the ones that chose these ingrates so we are getting what we have become as a country.

    • Joe, unfortunately it all comes down to who do you least want nominating Supreme Court Justices. Hillary could nominate Elizabeth Warren (aka Pocahontas), Loretta Lynch or even worse Obama. Trump already put out his short list of fine conservative Judges. Hillary’s ever expanding scandals keep the door open for Trump to right the ship and sail through:

      • Bidet

        Oh for crying out loud. Quoting from that website, run by Jim Hoft (who has a worldwide title of “The Dumbest Man On The Internet”) has the same amount of weight as quoting from The Blaze or Dead Breitbart

        How do you quantify less than zero? Use one of those three sites

      • Joe, for YOU, it comes down to SCOTUS issues. (And your list of Trump court choices? That’s BS. BULLsh–!! That list will change like everything Trump touches.Kinda like “immigration. What a joke.).

        For most of America, it’s not SCOTUS like YOU think, it is that Trump is a dangerous fool. Normal, reasonable family people think he’s a dangerous fool Joe. THAT is deciding this election. Not SCOTUS.

        • Yeah, yeah, and Ronald Reagan was also called a dangerous fool, and every other republican president has been called the same by leftists. When the truth is that Hillary Clinton represents the biggest single threat to the security of the nation that we have faced thus far in our history.

          • That would be Trump.

            When you don’t even know what the nuclear triad is you’re wanting to have control of and when you see no problem with Saudi Arabia acquiring their own nuclear weapons, I’d say you’re the most dangerous freak on Earth.

            I’m going to be voting for the candidate knowledgeable enough to at least let me go through one more roll of toilet paper before Earth’s second Big Bang happens.

            Which just happens to NOT be your sugar daddy….

          • Reagans speechwriter, Peggy Noonan, said “I hear Trump fans say he is a lot like Reagan, AND THEY ARE IDIOTS.”

            She is talking about you Press. Ha!!

          • Hillary will be an asset to the USA not a threat to national security like Donald Trump. All Regan did was neuter the USEPA and pollution control all over the USA making trying to make us look like China’s major cities today where everyone has to wear gas masks to stay alive or like Reo where you can’t bath in the water or swim in the water without getting a dangerous bacterial infection from typhus or some flesh eating bacteria that’s resistant to antibiotic. Regan was a third rate actor for the “B” class movie set. He was nothing but a better con man that Trump. Trump on the other hand really is a dangerous fool who flip flops back and forth an any topic in order to suit his audiene of the day. Or to do what his handlers are trying to make him do. He will follow the script for only so long. He wants to be in total control and thinks he knows best. He does NOT listen well to others and is insensitive to other’s needs.

            He will fly down to Louisiana and do a PHOTO OP and nothing else. He’s in debt to his eyeballs and won’t release his tax returns so that everyone around knows just how much in debt he is to his Russian Friends. Meanwhile the President has FEMA running like a well oiled machine with competent people in the agency instead of Brownie. The people of Louisiana are being taken car of with federal help from the get go. There is no reason for the President or the Presidential Candidates to fly down there and take up valuable resources away from the disaster relief teams working hard down there to help the people effected by the flooding.

    • Not everyone agrees with that Joe:

      As for the Khazir Khan incident, in my opinion, now that all the facts are in I think most Americans understand that it was just Hillary Clinton using a family for her personal gain. Kahn’s deceased son would be the first to get on board with vetting people coming into this country from areas of the world where terrorists operate, and are even supported.

        • They rub salt in the Khan’s grief by purporting to know what their son would say if he was alive. Very sad. Just when you think Trump has numbed and pile-driven his followers so low that they can sink no further on his behalf, they do.

          Tick tock, tick tock. The numbers continue to gel. A Clinton indictment or keel over begins to to look like Rump’s last best chance, neither is going to happen. The electoral map bops the tangerine on his noggin every morning now when they rouse him. What a piece, he actually thought he could be king.

          • Khan’s son was over there killing terrorists. He understood that stopping them over there would lessen the chance that we would have to deal with them in our own country. He would have been 100% behind increased vetting.

          • She thought she could turn that scripted event into personal political advantage. It backfired, and displayed to the world the cold heart of a calculating power monger.

          • It didn’t backfire. You might not have noticed but Trump’s in the tank. His treatment of the Khans was universally reviled.

            You should call the Khans up and tell them what their son would say. Ask them what he’d say about Donald Trump.

  8. The earthquake in central Italy is beginning to look really, really bad. The mayor of one town says it “isn’t there anymore.”


      • Dilatory strategies are now indicated, the clock ticks. The clock tocks. If the Beast has fallen into her 4 corners offense, good. If is preferable to being drawn down into the mire by the classless Rump.

    • Pussified Press

      The New York Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch’s ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated “the New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem – a force for evil.”

      The Post is willing to contort its news coverage to suit Murdoch’s business needs, in particular that the paper has avoided reporting anything that is unflattering to his causes

      According to a survey conducted by Pace University in 2004, the Post was rated the least-credible major news outlet in New York, and the only news outlet to receive more responses calling it “not credible” than credible

      Posting trash links from them is akin to posting the patterns on used toilet paper

      You get more desperate and less credible each hour of the day

  9. Take your head out of your HELLO! long enough to read this Biden then stick it back in there.

    Syrian rebels, backed by Turkey and U.S., capture ISIS stronghold of Jarabulus

    By Washington Post Staff

    August 24 at 11:01 AM

    The takeover deprives the Islamic State of a crucial foothold on the Turkish border, used for funneling foreign fighters and supplies, and is expected to help accelerate the militants’ demise elsewhere across its rapidly dwindling “caliphate.”

    rapidly dwindling “caliphate”


    • Damn! That’s hard to take from someone who voted for President Richard No-Bid Cheney twice.

      But it’s nap time so I’m just going to have to just suck it up.


      • Last night Conway brought up the ‘hidden’ Trump voters, those too ashamed of being associated with him to admit it to pollsters. She refused to elaborate when pressed. Said it’d come out later, it is an ‘internal project’ within the campaign.

        This morning several of the smarter Trump supporters promptly spewed Conway’s fantasy about all those stealth Trump voters who aren’t being accounted for by valid polling. It was sad to see those poor folks, coffee in hand, now afraid of being shot down in the street, heading to work and having a microphone shoved in their face. Knowing they were going to say it. It’s all they’ve got. The Rump campaign wouldn’t be making this incredible stuff up if they had a candidate who was anywhere close in the polls that matter.

  10. WSJ Today:
    Trump Appears Too Late
    “As the traditional Labor Day fall presidential race approaches, Republican Donald Trump faces an increasingly narrow path to the White House.”

    • That should just about do it for her sorry ass. Anyone who would vote for her after reading this is no better than she is.

      • Conservative tribune ??? More much from the depths of the GOP biased outhouse. Lies like these just show the true depths of one’s character. Trump is a goof ball with too much debt. How can you follow and support a guy like him that runs on debt, law suits and BS when you say you are against the USA running up a deficit and having all that debt that has to be paid back to China? How much money does Trump owe back to his Russian supporters?

        Donald Trump is dangerous and is supported more by the Russians than the American Voters.

        • I spoke this afternoon with a lady who is a highly educated German immigrant who had just returned from a visit in her homeland. She said that everyone she spoke with there wondered if America had lost its collective mind by allowing something as close to Hitler as Trump to be nominated for president. She said that they were hoping that if Trump was elected, he would step down or die and make Pence president. When she told them about Pence, they decided he was the second coming of Goerhing.

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