IS IT TRUE we believe Evansville and County residents should get the maximum allowable amount of the 8% homestead tax credit?  …we recently posted that the years 2012, 2013 and 2014, residents received 7.0474%, 6.1581% and 6.6561%, respectively, not 8% as the Mayor led us to believe?  … remember it was this Mayor, then Councilman Lloyd Winnecke that was directly involved in scheduling  the closed door meeting to terminate the Homestead Tax Credit?  .., he sat silently while others accused Mayor Weinzapfel as the main reason why the Homestead Tac Credit was eliminated? …we hope one day that former Mayor Weinzapfel will come forward and tell his side of the story?

IS IT TRUE that on Friday of last week at 4 p.m. the Mayor filed an amendment to his Homestead Tax Credit ordinance? …and that City Clerk Laura Windhorst quietly allowed the Mayors amendment to this ordinance to be filed in spite of her own rules and rules of the council stating no ordinances will be accepted after noon on Wednesday prior to every City Council meeting (except if Laura wants to do the Mayor a favor)?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if City Council will allow the Mayor’s newly  amended Homestead Tax Credit ordinance be voted on at tonight’s Council meeting considering none of them were  given a copy of the admended ordinance before the filing deadline?  …we wonder if City Council will require it to be properly filed and go through public hearings and three (3) readings as required by City ordinance?

IS IT TRUE last weekend at a social event held at a Haynie’s Corner the Director of DMD was overheard bragging about all the money he has handed out to individuals and businesses in the ARTS District? …the Director declared that he gave many select businesses and organizations located in the ARTS District many hundred thousand of dollars since he been the DMD Director? …we must point out the DMD Director didn’t give his money to people of the Arts District but the money of the taxpayers of this community?   …he was heard bragging as though he was Santa Claus, or one of the elf’s?  …50 thousand to her, 150 thousand to him, 100 thousand to another person and on and on.?  …he was certainly making everyone around him aware that he was doing his part in the upcoming Mayoral election?

IS IT TRUE we hear as of today only two (2) Evansville police officer has signed up to work at the upcoming 4th of July Fireworks? …we have to ask why because they are paid time and a half for working this event?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. I think the plan is to get us in debt so much it is not a option. No one can deny the last two mayors have done a great job increasing our debt.

    • –Agreed–both administrations have been/are still 2 Very “Wormy” Apples, leaving their disgusting Rot of Huge Debt upon the Citizenry for generations to come. Their names will forever live in “Infamy” in the History of Evansville.

  2. We can stop it now. It won’t be a perfect fix but getting rid of Lloyd Winnecke and his elves is a necessary start. Whatever his secret amendment to the Homestead Tax ordinance is, you can bet your ass that if he’s re-elected and gets the council packed as he’s trying to do, he’ll be coming for the tax credit again. When he got caught the first time, after the secret meeting he was very much involved in was uncovered, he said it ‘wasn’t my best moment in public service’. He then promptly started blaming others. Through a twisted and dishonorable set of circumstances he landed in the mayor’s office where he wasted no time eclipsing his previous low.

    Not much to recommend the guy. Actually, nothing whatsoever. He’ll get his votes from hardshell Republicans and those his elves have dealt cash to. Let him have those votes to trumpet his ‘near win’ and then go away.

  3. Shrinersfest is June 25th- 28th. Where do you come up with July 4th?




  4. “IS IT TRUE we hear as of today only two (2) Evansville police officer has signed up to work at the upcoming 4th of July Fireworks? …we have to ask why because they are paid time and a half for working this event?”

    Because none of them think the monetary benefit outweighs the headaches? A few years ago an officer got assaulted by a group of violent teens at this event. No doubt any attempt to instill order in an unruly crowd this year will be met with screams of “HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT!” and cries of racism. Well, except for the trashy white folks. No time for racism there, they’ll be too busy stalking around with their shirts off starting fights with each other (which the cops will be forced to insert themselves into). Oh, as an added benefit, all of the officers will have the opportunity to get cussed out when they attempt to direct traffic going into and out of the downtown area.

    Add in the no doubt blistering hot weather, and I’m not the least bit surprised officers aren’t chomping at the bit to work this event.

    • No way I’d go to that anyway. Not very dangerous in my back yard with some BBQ and beers. No driving, no fighting crowds, just fun.

      • Concur. I only go down there if my station is assigned a detail. Hot, crowded and surrounded by idiots is not how I voluntarily spend my off time.

      • No Blue Angels in your back yard, either. You should still buy tickets or just donate for those who want to go but can’t afford it. Do something nice for those less fortunate. Nah, sorry. I know that’s not in your make up to do that.

      • So you bash the police. Then you admit you won’t go because it will be dangerous. I would think one such as yourself would attend just to record all the vicious attacks by the police. After all there are no bad people that go there. I love the fact that you defend the thugs day in and out but in reality are too chickens&^% to actually go anywhere near them.

    • So Editors you allow these gross exaggerations and ridiculous strawmen to be posted essentially mocking black families grieving that their loved ones who essentially been killed in cold blood by the police to be stay up, while my posts mocking them for their stupid and hateful insinuations to stay up?

  5. The high-jacking of the Homestead Property Tax exemption will forever haunt Wienzapfel and Winnecke. Seeing to it that we get the maximum amount this year will help – but not heal the breach of trust that they committed. I would like to ask each of them – at a Public Forum:
    “Do you think that as a Public Servant it is your responsibility to inform your constituents about significant increases in their Property Taxes – or don’t you?”

    Shriner’s fest is the one thing we should ALL support
    Last year I bought buttons for myself and my neighbors. I made it down every day for awhile.
    I would think that Police Officers would line up to work this event. …

    • Certainly relevant to the discussion today Bubba. A huge fail for the general population of taxpaying citizens in that place. What’s ever present is you’ve really gotten practically little in return for those downtown project debacles. Just more losses and more high cost utility billing.
      The infrastructure is still broken and archaic, its failing as we speak. No real bang for the bucks so to speak. Pitiful failure to meet this centuries increasing demands. Needs work, real solutions and lots of skilled labor to accomplish the save. I’d bet the police officers will come through for the events, they have their own families needs for some holidays in concern as well.

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